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I'm still doing the 6 week challenge with EA Active on Wii. I'm down another pound and my "normal" jeans have been fitting like "big" jeans.
I had to break out a couple pairs of my old jeans that were hiding in the back of my drawer because the saggy ass in my newer jeans made it look like I was wearing a loaded diaper. I'm going to head by the Old Navy after the gym tonight and see if they've got any deals on their jeans going on since I have to buy some new jeans. I'm definitely not going to complain though.

I seem to have dropped about 3 pounds to 182, but not much of a change. I have re-focused on my diet and am trying to reach a speed goal with my running, so I am hoping I will start dropping now.

Fudgey should appreciate this....

Anyone considering Super Colon Cleanse to make sure your system is cleaned out may want to wait and do it over a weekend. One problem with Atkins is the fiber you eat is way down while your meat/cheese is higher so you tend to get a bit stopped up. I definitely felt like there wasn't nearly enough coming out compared to what was going in. I checked some of the message boards and several people suggested Super Colon Cleanse so I stopped at the local hairy leg/armpit lesbian food store to grab a bottle after the gym the other night. First problem is that this stuff tastes like dirt. You're supposed to mix it water and chug it down but it doesn't dissolve in the water, it's just suspended, so it's really nasty trying to get it down. Now, it could be something I ate (it's funny how sensitive your stomach gets to carbs on this diet) but I was in the bathroom 5 times yesterday and then two more times last night at 1am and again 2:30am. I'm going to give it a day or three to make sure everything is settled back down and it wasn't just something I ate before I decide whether I'm going to give it another try. I will be interested to get on the scale this weekend and see how much more weight I've lost this weekend.


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Fudgey should appreciate this....
Anyone considering Super Colon Cleanse to make sure your system is cleaned out may want to wait and do it over a weekend. One problem with Atkins is the fiber you eat is way down while your meat/cheese is higher so you tend to get a bit stopped up. I definitely felt like there wasn't nearly enough coming out compared to what was going in. I checked some of the message boards and several people suggested Super Colon Cleanse so I stopped at the local hairy leg/armpit lesbian food store to grab a bottle after the gym the other night. First problem is that this stuff tastes like dirt. You're supposed to mix it water and chug it down but it doesn't dissolve in the water, it's just suspended, so it's really nasty trying to get it down. Now, it could be something I ate (it's funny how sensitive your stomach gets to carbs on this diet) but I was in the bathroom 5 times yesterday and then two more times last night at 1am and again 2:30am. I'm going to give it a day or three to make sure everything is settled back down and it wasn't just something I ate before I decide whether I'm going to give it another try. I will be interested to get on the scale this weekend and see how much more weight I've lost this weekend.

I have heard this is recommended for people on high meat/protein diets as there tends to be large amounts of undigested food that just builds-up. I've been tempted to try it just to say I've done it and survived...


Never had a colonoscopy I take it? As part of the "prep" you have to take an entire bottle of this stuff.


Never stray more than 5 feet from the bathroom after downing an entire bottle of laxatives.

Haven't stepped on the scale. I've been eating like a cow. Work has been REALLY stressing me out. I almost popped the other day on the phone, and my boss just told me to go home rather than working another OT hour. I'm disgusted about the whole thing right now.

I'm feeling great today. A little sore, but in a good way. I did a "tri for the hell of it" yesterday. There is a group of folks at my gym that gets together most Sunday's and does a swim, bike and run just for fun. My wife is training for a triathlon, so she wanted to join them and I decided to do it just for the hell of it. So I did a 1/2 mile swim, hour long bike ride and 2.5 mile run yesterday afternoon. It was a lot of fun. It's been a while since I swam, probably since I did a sprint triathlon last fall. I much prefer being able to shower and dry off between the swim and the bike ride then having to transition straight to the bike while soaking wet like you do in a real race.

I'm feeling great today. A little sore, but in a good way. I did a "tri for the hell of it" yesterday. There is a group of folks at my gym that gets together most Sunday's and does a swim, bike and run just for fun. My wife is training for a triathlon, so she wanted to join them and I decided to do it just for the hell of it. So I did a 1/2 mile swim, hour long bike ride and 2.5 mile run yesterday afternoon. It was a lot of fun. It's been a while since I swam, probably since I did a sprint triathlon last fall. I much prefer being able to shower and dry off between the swim and the bike ride then having to transition straight to the bike while soaking wet like you do in a real race.
Yeah, I always wondered why they didn't do the swim last since it pretty much sucks to do anything requiring your feet when sopping wet. But I guess after running a marathon and biking 100+ miles, the chances of drowning during the swim would increase significantly.

Any weight loss I had last week was made up for yesterday with all the beer I drank! I guess I'll hit the gym every day this week to make up for it...

I'm feeling great today. A little sore, but in a good way. I did a "tri for the hell of it" yesterday. There is a group of folks at my gym that gets together most Sunday's and does a swim, bike and run just for fun. My wife is training for a triathlon, so she wanted to join them and I decided to do it just for the hell of it. So I did a 1/2 mile swim, hour long bike ride and 2.5 mile run yesterday afternoon. It was a lot of fun. It's been a while since I swam, probably since I did a sprint triathlon last fall. I much prefer being able to shower and dry off between the swim and the bike ride then having to transition straight to the bike while soaking wet like you do in a real race.
Nice! My wife has done a few tris. Sprints and the next level up. It's crazy to watch the serious folks, they basically have their feet out of their shoes and legs swung over ready to jump off the bike before it even stops moving.

Yeah, I always wondered why they didn't do the swim last since it pretty much sucks to do anything requiring your feet when sopping wet. But I guess after running a marathon and biking 100+ miles, the chances of drowning during the swim would increase significantly.
Yup, it's the safety thing. They figure the odds of you drowning go up significantly if you go into the swim tired.

There are several people at my gym that compete in triathlons regularly (some who have done the full ironman trithlon - they are crazy), they ask me fairly regularly why I won't sign up for more triathlons. My response is that I hate riding a bike while I'm wet. Sweating while on the bike is a lot different then jumping on the bike already dripping wet.

Yeah, but doesn't the wind generated by the ride evaporate you pretty quick?

A tri is a great workout. I went on a few rides with the mrs. while she was training for them. Just for giggles one time after I rode about 30 miles I hopped off to do a 5 mile run. It was tough! My knees were pounding.

I'm so stir crazy by this point in the winter. I hiked both days this weekend. But it's too icy to bike, and my asthma blows up if I run when it's this cold and dry. And there's not even enough snow to snowshoe or x-country ski. :i_cry:

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Finally actually broke down and joined the gym this weekend. Been riding a free trial month that expired, and now that I'm starting to get used to going every morning I think my chances of keeping up with this has greatly improved.

I've stalled out at the 148 mark. My updated goal is to get up to 160 by May 1. The initial few pounds came quickly, but as time goes by the weight gain seems to have slowed. Time to adjust my diet again.


Now I have to actually use it. Still stuck at 185.

VT - same here. I usually have eating remorse after I gorge myself, I too fell prey to the temptation of wings and beer.

RW - that's pretty cool on the tri!

I wish I could swim worth a damn, so I could try at least one of the short triathlons. I've done the bike portion of several Olympic-length tri's on teams before, but never the whole thing. (I know how to swim, but my technique has gotten so bad as an adult that I just can't swim very far or fast, and of course I never practice)

I hit my speed goal in running this past week - 1.5 miles in under 11:44. It's amazing what you can do when you try. I always assumed I was just a slow runner, but with a little motivation, I am now running much faster than I was before, and so far none the worse for wear. Maybe I can hit the next level (9:30) before I have to do it for real.

But still no appreciable weight loss.
