Well, I made my own personal goal that I had set a few weeks ago. I managed to lose 44 pounds (according to our home scale, 41 by the doctor's) in 32 days. It was a giant pain in the ass...my wife and I are now both doing Atkins and I was going to the gym twice a day and just doing cardio. I just posted another thread that is related...I'm going to be taking a new job that is deployable and your BMI is basis for a medical disqualification so it was drop the weight before my physical on the 19th or lose out on the job. I made it by an honest 2 pounds, no toes hanging off the scale or anything. Now I need to make sure I stay with it because I still have to say compliant which shouldn't be nearly so hard. I'll start going to the gym like I was before and doing actual workouts (which is going to suck after not lifting any weights for the last month) and sticking with the Atkins.
One funny thing. We got a bill in the mail from the gym we used to belong to, Fitworks, saying our bill for January was due. The only problem is that we quit that gym almost a year ago.