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I guess that the "working too hard to think straight" stuff is paying off... I'm down to 208.... not bad for not trying... I've gotta get back to a normal, non-renovating lifestyle....


Well, I made my own personal goal that I had set a few weeks ago. I managed to lose 44 pounds (according to our home scale, 41 by the doctor's) in 32 days. It was a giant pain in the ass...my wife and I are now both doing Atkins and I was going to the gym twice a day and just doing cardio. I just posted another thread that is related...I'm going to be taking a new job that is deployable and your BMI is basis for a medical disqualification so it was drop the weight before my physical on the 19th or lose out on the job. I made it by an honest 2 pounds, no toes hanging off the scale or anything. Now I need to make sure I stay with it because I still have to say compliant which shouldn't be nearly so hard. I'll start going to the gym like I was before and doing actual workouts (which is going to suck after not lifting any weights for the last month) and sticking with the Atkins.

One funny thing. We got a bill in the mail from the gym we used to belong to, Fitworks, saying our bill for January was due. The only problem is that we quit that gym almost a year ago.

OK I feel guilty because I have been avoiding this thread for awhile... my new years resoultion didn't get off the ground as fast as I'd hoped. But the wife and I joined a gym last week, and I've been there 3 times so far and went for a 3 mile run on a 4th day because it was so nice out. The bad thing is I went from 185 at the start of this thread to 190. Going in the wrong direction, but hopefully the ship will turn itself around soon if I can keep up the gym workouts. It fits right into the time after I would take my daughter to school but before I had to be at work, so I'm hoping to make it a routine thing.

Jeb: Congrats on all the hard work. Looks like it really paid off.

With MIAF's new job, I can hit the gym more without feeling guilty for leaving her home. While I do have junior, I will have the option of paying $2 for her to play with the other kids at the gym daycare which isn't too bad, and hopefully it will help tire her out.

I for one am incredibly excited to try the Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet. It worked for the lady on TV so it's gotta work for me.

I for one am incredibly excited to try the Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet. It worked for the lady on TV so it's gotta work for me.
Just like Jared lost a million pounds by eating Subway sandwiches. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that he was hiking his ass over to the Subway everyday instead of jumping in the car and driving to a fast food joint.

I for one am incredibly excited to try the Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet. It worked for the lady on TV so it's gotta work for me.
Just like Jared lost a million pounds by eating Subway sandwiches. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that he was hiking his ass over to the Subway everyday instead of jumping in the car and driving to a fast food joint.
And they fail to mention he never put things like cheese and mayo on his sandwiches, didn't get chips or cookies, and only drank water...

If you notice, there's a larger than normal "fine print" for the taco bell diet that says something like "This is not a low calorie food. Diet is based off of a 1200-1500 calorie diet and requires regular excercise."

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I for one am incredibly excited to try the Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet. It worked for the lady on TV so it's gotta work for me.
Just like Jared lost a million pounds by eating Subway sandwiches. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that he was hiking his ass over to the Subway everyday instead of jumping in the car and driving to a fast food joint.
And they fail to mention he never put things like cheese and mayo on his sandwiches, didn't get chips or cookies, and only drank water...
No, they mention it...in microprint that shows up as 1 pixel high text on your HDTV.

I for one am incredibly excited to try the Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet. It worked for the lady on TV so it's gotta work for me.
She's a robot sent from the future!!! WATCH OUT!!!

I've been "working out" with EA Active More Workouts for the Wii. It feels like I'm playing a game, but I'm feeling some muscle soreness. We'll see how it goes...it's only been two days.

Congrats Jeb! Thats great!

I've lost 5 pounds since December, not from working out but from restricting my calorie intake. I've been bringing my lunch to work every day, which I think helps prevent me from overeating at lunch.

Time for the Feb 1st updates everyone!!!

I'm up to 148lbs. Not bad so far, gained ~13 pounds over the last 10 weeks. I've been really focusing on strength training over the last 3-4 weeks and are seeing my workout weights going up steadily. Not quite where I want to be yet, but I'm getting there. My goal is to get up to the ~160 range and have the strength to back it up. I'm hoping my schedule starts to open up this spring as I want to get back into Hapkedo (a version of tae kwan do) again. It will be good to balance the size/strength I'm working on now with flexibility, balance, and quickness.

My client is really starting to notice the changes (and she likes it). Hopefully this will improve client relations to the point that front lobby and head office meetings will become more frequent...

I weighed 127 this morning. Down 3 lbs! I'm not doing anything special - just super stressed out. And I've been sick. But I'll take it!

Been going to the gym 3-4 times a week now for the past few weeks and stopped the night time snacking... so far that has resulted in -3 lbs to 187. Not horrible... hoping to keep this up and be down to 180 by the end of the month.

I have stopped keeping track since my job situation has changed. I'm likely NOT riding the bike tour. I'm really stressed out b/c of work, but am in a maintain mode right now. Probably right around 190.

I'm still doing the 6 week challenge with EA Active on Wii. I'm down another pound and my "normal" jeans have been fitting like "big" jeans.
