I need a beer.
I'm trying that one right now. Not bad.Mmm...double IPA. Stone Ruination is my favorite.
Thanks for the warning, I think I'll skip that one. Trying the Sam Adams rebel IPA. Sam Summer is much betterBourbon Barrel Aged Russian Imperial Stout sounds like the work of the devil. Dark Lord (Russion Imperial Stout made by 3 Floyds Brewery) is the worst beer I have ever tried. It says right on the label that one of the key flavors is "burnt cherries." And I am not a fan of bourbon barrel beers. I like bourbon and I like beer, but I do not think they go well together.
I saw some Keystone beer the other day, didn't know they still made that stuff (Bottled Beer taste in a can!) LOL, haven't drunk that stuff since Spring Break a Panama City in 1990, bought it by the case and drank it by the case, all beer taste good when your in High School!