I am out of touch with their newer stuff, but they have been around a while, want to say the Sweetwater 420 wa their staple 25 years ago?
He wants to trade. I can get you some trillium and treehouse with the heady. Those are both really good too. Drinking treehouse tonight.Yeah they are upin Greeley- used to go there a good bit when I had a job up there - you need some?
I'll find out. He's been sending beer UPS. You can send a 12"x12"x12" box for a flat rate of $25 up to 50 lbs. The box can fit a case of 16oz cans. Do you want a mix case or something less than that?ok, do you know anything he might like from there? I usually just went with there IPA (dont recall the name)
Greeley is about an hour from me but my sons girlfirend is going to college there so I am sure he will be that way over the holiday break - Since he is now 21 I can get him to grab some -