P-E's Beer Club

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I liked the Ruth pretty well, nothing special, but definitely drinkable. The Adam was way too smokey for me, but other people seemed to really like it. My favorite from this brewery was the Rose (Belgian Tripple).

Having a trillium double dry hopped congress street on the deck awaiting the storm.   Will be back here post storm with beer and BBQ 

Played it safe.  Sweet Water Spring Sampler 24 pk is out.  Hop Hash is good stuff.

Had lots of craft brew at the neighbors.   Helped bottle first home brew.   Can't wait for final product.   Best beer of the night was swish from bissel brothers (Portland Maine). 

Update: Drank some of the home brew on Sat.  It was suprizingly good.   Brewed the second batch while tasting the first.  Second beer is a brown ale, expecting 8-9% abv.  

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According to Mr. kzieg this stuff is like the best barrel aged stout....they only produce it once a year, and it sells out super fast (literally everyone in line in front of me was buying some). Also it's $20 for that 4-pack.

I need this:  https://www.bottlekeeper.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=lookalike&utm_medium=social&utm_content=beervideo_IG_square&utm_term=10


We had been to the New Belgium brewery to drink before but never did the tour, had a friend from Montana in town over the weekend and managed to catch them with an opening. Have to say it was worth the money (free) + you get around 4 free beers. 

If you have ever had a Fat Tire it was made in this white tank, the owner bought it off a dairy farmer in 1995 when they were starting the brewery.. Sucky pic but this was the most I could "lean over" and get without spilling my beers..

interesting enough the owner who started the brewery was an electrical engineer who hated his work and used a work trip to Belgium to get some free beer advice (He is no longer with the company, sold out around 2000 to his now ex wife)  As much as I hate their BS carbon footprint nonsense talk, I do really like the beer and their employee ownership model that hasn't sold out to IMBEV..

If you are ever in Fort Collins I highly Highly recommend it, better than any I have ever been on..(Coors, Bud, Odell, Great Divide, Avery)  The Coors and Bud tours are god awful btw..

New Belgium.jpg


We did the Budweiser tour in Fort Collins when I originally graduated with my BS in mech eng.  They even hosted our graduation party (sucked - 2 beer limit!)

I graduated during the late 80s/early 90s recession. For us mech engs, the only jobs available at that time in-state were 1 position at Budweiser and then a handful of positions with the big aerospace contractors in the state.  I interviewed for the Budweiser job and didn't get it, which is fine because I think that probably would have sucked. 
