P-E's Beer Club

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I either drink the really dark beers (stouts, porters), wheat beer, or go with ciders.  Everything else just seems to be a competition to see how bad hoppy they can make it.
About the same, but add to that any of the amber and/or red Irish ales. :thumbs:

I've only found a few ambers that I like (Dos Equis Amber is pretty good), but I don't go looking for them either.

Ya I don't know about any of the well-known breweries, but most of the ambers I have are the local micro-brew variety.

Had a lager today from the Von Trapp Brewery.  Not bad. 

I either drink the really dark beers (stouts, porters), wheat beer, or go with ciders.  Everything else just seems to be a competition to see how bad hoppy they can make it.
You should try some Golden Ales (St. Peter's is my favorite).  Very malty...very little hops.

Bud light and PBR at the hash yesterday.    Gonna be a long week.  Will need beer or ten after this one. 

Had some "Hite" and Cass" the other day. (I've been in Seoul for the past week.) I'd say that both are like bud light so they have little flavor. Hite is better though.

Now, time for some Taiwan Beer. Guess where I am now.

Had a good beer the other day called bumbleberry by fat heads brewery. Good stuff!

Nice!  I actually really like that one.  I'll have to check the shelves here.  The summer ale isn't too bad either.
I'll have to try that.   Got to empty the beer fridge before I get too much more.   Beer is starting to take up the kitchen fridge to the dismay of Mrs p-e.    Tree house's Julius tonight. 

You should always keep more than a six pack in the fridge.  

Had a double brown ale, double  pigs ear from Woodstock brewery.    it was very good. 

Had Bluemoon's Vanilla Wheat over the weekend. It was one of those beers you would have to be very careful with the food pairing otherwise it could get really nasty.  On it's own, I thought it was pretty good.

Finally trying a Pliny the Elder here in Pasadena - Very good.   Like heady topper better. 
