P-E's Beer Club

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I like stouts a lot.  Trying to try more local ones.  Last nights was 9%.  Hits hard fast. 

I had to look it up, but I had no idea what the difference is between Stouts and Porters.  Basically, Stouts are brewed with roasted barley and Porters are not.  Their color, heavy/light, and bitter/sweetness overlaps are pretty close. 



Against the Grain Sho Nuff Golden Ale:  I like this.  One of my favorite beers is St. Peter's Golden Ale, and while this one isn't quite as good, I am still a big fan of the style in general.
Upland Wheat:  This used to be one of my favorite beers.  I don't know if they changed the recipe or if my tastes have changed, but it seemed to be way spicier than I remember.  I think they may have upped the coriander or something.
Sweetwater Pit & the Pendulum:  This was in the small batch area of my local liquor store, and said it was brewed with Brettanomyces.  I was hoping for a solid sour.  It's not as sour as I had hoped for, but it is still pretty tasty.
Brooklyn K is for Kriek:  Another sour small batch bottle.  I haven't opened this one yet.  Hope it's as tasty as the Sweetwater one, but a little more sour.
At the night shift brewery.  Life is good again.  

Uh oh @kevo_55, naughty naughty!


Bummer that that is considered a felony though.  Seems a bit extreme to me.

MINNEAPOLIS - A Maple Grove bar owner and manager have been charged after being caught illegally importing Spotted Cow beer that they then sold at their establishment. 

The two men, Brandon Hlavka, 37, of St. Michael and David Lantos, 28, of Brooklyn Park, were charged with a single felony of transporting alcohol into Minnesota for resale on Feb. 4. 

Yep, Spotted Cow isn't supposed to be outside WI.

It's a shame, it's a damn fine brewery. I almost always have it when I'm across the border.

Honestly, I think it is some sort of tax thing that they are getting pinched with. 

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kevo smuggle me some..

in Vt looking to bring back the hyped up Heady Topper.  

Drinking Tree House's Juice Machine today.  Had it the fridge for 6 weeks and starting to lose flavor.   Must drink - best first world problem ever.

VT is a great place.  Bottoms up, here's to you VTE.

I was talking about Spotted Cow.  Never looked for Heady.  Though if it's an IPA, I never will. ;)
Heady is a double IPA.  It doesn't have that punch in the mouth bitter aftertaste that most IPAs have. That's why it is so popular with the hoppy beer fans.  Also, it doesn't have a boosey taste even though it is 8%. 

Had a Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter Milkshake with dinner last night.  Damn good stuff.  (porter + vanilla ice cream)

I've never been able to get into the Vanilla or Chocolate milkshake type beers , the Ben & Jerry Ice Cream beer is basically piss

I either drink the really dark beers (stouts, porters), wheat beer, or go with ciders.  Everything else just seems to be a competition to see how bad hoppy they can make it.
