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It appears that Dleg's platform is flawless already!If ex boyfriends become problematic, I recommend routing them into the final solution healthcare plan.
It appears that Dleg's platform is flawless already!If ex boyfriends become problematic, I recommend routing them into the final solution healthcare plan.
It appears that Dleg's platform is flawless already!
Personally, I'd rather be the Ambassador to the Bahamas....Here's the deal: I'll make both you anf FL Buff co-Press Secretaries. That way, you can stop FL Buff before he embarasses me. Plus, I'll issue swords to you both, and you can duel it out for the Cabinet's entertainment if you can't come to agreement.
It is a shame Hawaii does not need an ambassador there. I'd take that job in a heart beat.Personally, I'd rather be the Ambassador to the Bahamas.
It may or may not be me.Did you have doubts that it would be. If so the head of the NSA may want to speak to you. By the way, who is the head of the NSA.
If I give you a handsome campaign donation, can you rig it where the Mets win the title?I'd also like to be MLB Commissioner. I know it isn't a government position now, but by the time 2012 rolls around it will be.
Dleg wants to be President, not Miracle Max.If I give you a handsome campaign donation, can you rig it where the Mets win the title?...
It may or may not be me.h34r:
ZING!Dleg wants to be President, not Miracle Max.
but miracle max would be a great advisor to have on call.Dleg wants to be President, not Miracle Max.
Every 13th season when the Cardinals aren't winning.If I give you a handsome campaign donation, can you rig it where the Mets win the title?
Actually, the commish is stepping down in a year or two, now is your chance to strike!
BAN-HAMMER of the US! (aka Secretary of Homeland Security - we'll re-name it - you will have teh power to BAN and pwn anyone in the country. Or heck, anyone int he world.I've always been a fan of the Kennebunkport Surprise.
so anyway, what office do I get to hold in DLeg's new world order?
You're not thinking big enough. I want an interstate (I'm thinking of naming it I-69) that runs from California to Hawaii to Guam and then through the CNMI. Phase two would be to loop it back through Alaska.I need to dust off the plans for that bridge from Saipan to Guam. Or do you want to change order it for Alaska?
You're right- you might be good at starting wars. How about Cultural Attache to Europe?I'll weigh my options and think about it. If MGX doesn't want treasury secretary can I have it? Technically the treasury secretary is the head of the IRS.
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe Secretary of State. I'm kind of pompous and prone to flying off the handle and I have a bad temper so there is a good chance I could start all kinds of wars to use the nukes in.
I like what I'm hearing!With your permission sir, all the scientists on the Doc Brown Mr. Fusion Home Reactor project will be female, single, and gyuh-hot (that's the level above hot where you have to say that gyuh noise before saying "She's hooottt!".) There will be no whipping (unless it's requested and a safe word is in play), but there will be plenty of positive encouragement in the form of frequent special attentions from the Director (me) to the every needs of the scientists (possibly involving baby oil), since they will have to be sequestered from the general population in order to help them stay focused on their work.
As a backup plan, if the scientists can't deliver on the fusion, we'll bring in some enginerds and just use the GHS (Gyuh-Hot Scientists) in a more motivational role. One way or another, there will be fusion.
That would be WilheldPE.Did you have doubts that it would be. If so the head of the NSA may want to speak to you. By the way, who is the head of the NSA.
OK fine, have your way. But keep in mind, it will require some serious Pirate duties. It's the Caribbean, for Pete's sake!Personally, I'd rather be the Ambassador to the Bahamas.
You're already Commander of the Vigilante Forces. But I suppose the CVF needs a secret alter-ego. Ambassador to Hawaii would work nicely. We'll take away some of their rights as a State, so they'll need additional representation in the form of an Ambassador. An Ambassador who mysteriously disappears when the sign of the Bat appears in the clouds.It is a shame Hawaii does not need an ambassador there. I'd take that job in a heart beat.
Done.I'd also like to be MLB Commissioner. I know it isn't a government position now, but by the time 2012 rolls around it will be.
Uh oh. I changed my mind - you are now Cultural Attache to Greenland.Can you set up some secret wire tapping for me. I'm concerned that there are some people in the administration that are sabatoging our plans. They may need to be eliminated. I'll PM you.
Careful, or I'll change that title to "Chief of the Wire-Stripping Program". At Radio Shack.Maaaaay-be.
Hmmmm...... No, I do not have a chief of the FBI yet. Sure, why not. And, let's go ahead and change their mission to match the grade-school definition. Who needs a separate federal police force, when I've got the nearly invincible combination of the NSA, Dark Knight's vigilante forces, and DVINNY's Appalachian Militias?do you have a head of the FBI yet? of course I am talking about the grade school variation on this acronym.
Aye aye!OK fine, have your way. But keep in mind, it will require some serious Pirate duties. It's the Caribbean, for Pete's sake!...
Secretary of Pwnland Security!BAN-HAMMER of the US! (aka Secretary of Homeland Security - we'll re-name it - you will have teh power to BAN and pwn anyone in the country. Or heck, anyone int he world.