Dleg 2012!

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I want an interstate (I'm thinking of naming it I-69) that runs from California to Hawaii to Guam and then through the CNMI. Phase two would be to loop it back through Alaska.
I-69 currently runs from Indianapolis, IN to Port Huron, MI, from Fulton, KY to Henderson, KY, and from Tunica, MS to Memphis, TN. There are plans in the works right now to connect the dots, and make it a complete Mexico to Canada interstate.

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^Screw that. I'm taking the name. They can have "I-68" or whatever. But I get 69.

i accept the press secretary responsibilities - please understand, there may be an inherent amount of embarrassment built-in for your prestigious adminstration in taking me in with this role. That said, i'd like to volunteer for the 1st manned mission to Mars that your administration will surely undertake! I will take the Dleg 'death' flag to the Red Planet!!
Do you have a flag ???!!

I-69 currently runs from Indianapolis, IN to Port Huron, MI, from Fulton, KY to Henderson, KY, and from Tunica, MS to Memphis, TN. There are plans in the works right now to connect the dots, and make it a complete Mexico to Canada interstate.
I was just driving on a stretch of I-69 as I was driving from Monroe, MI to Bay City MI! :bananapowerslide:

Well I certainly have gotten the shaft. I think I'll just keep on being an engineer. I don't think I'd like Greenland.
You need to be thinking more creatively ....


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^Screw that. I'm taking the name. They can have "I-68" or whatever. But I get 69.
Sir, with all due respect, it would have to be named another odd number because it runs north-south. Maybe cement can fix that.

Will NCEES and ELSES still exist?

^You're damn right cement will fix that. I'll name it "**** Avenue" if I want.

Yeah, NCEES will still exist. Got to protect my PE license, so I have something to fall back on after 8 years in the Presidency.

Well I certainly have gotten the shaft. I think I'll just keep on being an engineer. I don't think I'd like Greenland.
You only have yourself to blame - you were plotting against other cabinet members already.

Greenland might be nice. I'll throw a few nukes over there if you want. See if we can warm the place up a little.

i accept the press secretary responsibilities - please understand, there may be an inherent amount of embarrassment built-in for your prestigious adminstration in taking me in with this role. That said, i'd like to volunteer for the 1st manned mission to Mars that your administration will surely undertake! I will take the Dleg 'death' flag to the Red Planet!!
No problem - you are now both Press Secretary and Chief of NASA. I expect you to be on Mars before elections in 2016. You don't have to come back, if that simplifies things for you.

^You're damn right cement will fix that. I'll name it "**** Avenue" if I want.
Yeah, NCEES will still exist. Got to protect my PE license, so I have something to fall back on after 8 years in the Presidency.

Just do what Putin did, Glorious Leader; make yourself the "Prime Minister."


^You're damn right cement will fix that. I'll name it "**** Avenue" if I want.
Yeah, NCEES will still exist. Got to protect my PE license, so I have something to fall back on after 8 years in the Presidency.
besides the whores and blow?

Hey Dleg, can I have an Ohio class SSBN instead of the Enterprise? I'm not sure they have nuke rated aircraft anymore and I sure would love to toss a few 'party favors' around, if you catch my drift.

Do you have a flag ???!!
i was thinking his campaign flag actually. . .

No problem - you are now both Press Secretary and Chief of NASA. I expect you to be on Mars before elections in 2016. You don't have to come back, if that simplifies things for you.
Sweet! well, a swishy kinda fella once said that 'Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids - in fact its cold as hell' - so yeah, it would be easier certainly to do the one-way trip, but i may have to enlist HVAC's finest & storm water's finest to assist in calculating the return trip. Screw that actually, as Chief of NASA i'll 'stock' the NASA org w/ the planet's best female international scientists & physicists; key qualities being smoking hot & uber-smart in that order (hoping that isnt inversely proportional)

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No problem - you are now both Press Secretary and Chief of NASA. I expect you to be on Mars before elections in 2016. You don't have to come back, if that simplifies things for you.
I'll see if I have any Gyuuhh-Hott Scientists to spare for the project.

(Dleg @ Aug 20 2009, 10:49 PM) No problem - you are now both Press Secretary and Chief of NASA. I expect you to be on Mars before elections in 2016. You don't have to come back, if that simplifies things for you.
I'll see if I have any Gyuuhh-Hott Scientists to spare for the project.
Sorry - I checked, but they're all being fully utilized right now.
