Taco Bell tests new restaurant aimed at Chipotle crowd

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I concur with MS. And Popeye's onion rings were the bomb! I haven't had them recently (since I moved to CO 18 years ago), so I don't know if they are still the dripping oily goodness that they used to be.

back to the point of the article, and I think evidenced here in this thread, is that the world probably doesnt need another burrito place at this "juncture".. thousand points of light, not gonna do it, not gonna do it...

Are u calling Merica stupid?

HA there was a dude at the Nascar race with a t-shirt that said Merica and all I could think of is, I wonder if he's too stupid to realize he's making fun of his own stupidity, or if he's smart enough to realize he's insulting the masses and no one will call him out on it... then I thought some more and realized it didn't matter because the t-shirt was probably made in a foreign country and they are the ones laughing all the way to the bank saying, look at the stupid Americans, they pay us money to make fun of them!

I was also making fun of the 'Merica' nonsense I see too much of these days.. I imagine loads of them at a Nascar conference (no offense to you nascar fans ;) )

I was also making fun of the 'Merica' nonsense I see too much of these days.. I imagine loads of them at a Nascar conference (no offense to you nascar fans ;) )

One of the best things to do is people watch before the race, and then drunk watch after. We stayed in our seats after the race was over last week because the boot made it difficult to maneuver up and down bleacher stairs in crowds and in our section alone, 7 people fell down the stairs because they were drunk.

^^^ Race I went to last spring had a guy collapse and black out from being too drunk. He needed medical assistance to get carried down to one of the medical centers. Mrs Dex felt it necessary to play medical expert and take care of him while he was waiting for the EMT's. The kids asked what happened and I just responded, "he didn't drink enough water."
