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I've never been a fan of reheated chicken, which is yet another reason meal prep is a no go for me.  
We eat a lot of the prepackaged chicken thighs from Aldi that comes in the sauce (I really like their coconut mango one), and I reheat them in a pan on the stove.  We like those A LOT, but I feel like you have better luck with thighs than breasts on average because they don't dry out so easily.  

i do all my meal prep with the goal of not having to heat it - I dont have many quirks ;)  but I cant stand to use an office microwave - so I do meal preps (with either chicken or steak) that I can eat cold - wife thinks I am crazy -  yes even cauli rice cold has grown tasty to me..  but the benefit to me is that the meat doesnt have that reheated taste + the taste of whatever Karen just heated up before me

Supe when my FIL ran the NC Tyson Division (Wilkesboro) they used to take orders from the general public for boneless chicken, but you had to buy 100 lbs and sort it yourself - we used to get some when we lived in atlanta, sorting was a pain but it would last. not sure if they still do that with "covid"..  but maybe you can ask around -

Supe when my FIL ran the NC Tyson Division (Wilkesboro) they used to take orders from the general public for boneless chicken, but you had to buy 100 lbs and sort it yourself - we used to get some when we lived in atlanta, sorting was a pain but it would last. not sure if they still do that with "covid"..  but maybe you can ask around -
I know FOR SURE that I am finding a local hunter this fall and stockpiling venison, if if I need to buy garage freezer to do it.  

its also really hard to find any kind of deep freezer currently :(  
You can still get them from a lot of the wholesale clubs.  We also have a local place that is nothing but scratch and dent specials that usually has a bunch in stock.

It's also hard to find a hunter willing to give you meat in my experience.  Thus why I started hunting myself.

It's also hard to find a hunter willing to give you meat in my experience.  Thus why I started hunting myself.
I've not hunted before, but will do it this year if that's what it takes.  

I think in GA the limit is like 12 deer so they are in need of hunters, deer population is crazy high....

We keep checking Costco, Lowes, etc but its hard to find any freezers this way..

Back before COVID I had two dog buddies on my running route that I would always stop and pet. One was a spuds McKinzie-looking dog, and the other was some little fluffy mess who wore a flourescent jacket and hated me for a year, but finally softened up and would let me pet him. But then he disappeared on day, I assume dead, and it was only Spuds McKinzie left but I would always stop and visit with him. Then he disappeared about a month into COVID and I was wondering/ fearing that he had died, too. But as of yesterday he's back! I was so excited. He still hasn't come out to greet me yet, though. Maybe he got in trouble with his owners for being to social with strangers?

I've not hunted before, but will do it this year if that's what it takes.  

Have you already looked into getting a license?  Most states require a hunter safety class, which would be a hoot for you I'm sure.  Olympic-level rifleman taking a hunting class with a bunch of 12 year-olds.

Here the in-person class was waived this year due to Covid if you did the online class, but I still have go do the field day to get my license next year.

I think in GA the limit is like 12 deer so they are in need of hunters, deer population is crazy high....

We keep checking Costco, Lowes, etc but its hard to find any freezers this way..

Yeah, I can get up to 12 deer tags here.  Up to two bucks and 10 antlerless.  They're trying to manage down the deer population, especially with the spread of chronic wasting disease.  The decline in popularity of hunting isn't helping either.  I remember when I was a kid getting an antlerless tag was like hitting the lottery and now they hand them out like candy.

I think the last time I deer hunted it was a 5 deer limit - 1 doe (I don’t remember the term antlerless being used?)

Reminds me I néed to see what I need to do to get a pronghorn tag up in Wyoming this fall - hope I didn’t forget and it’s too late again...

Honestly, considering what it costs for seasoning/sauce, charcoal, and time, it's not too terrible.  Is it all breast meat?  Are there any other flavors you recommend?  (The jerk sounds good)
The only one I wouldn't recommend is the BBQ. The sauce was kind of tomato paste heavy. I've tried lemon-herb, plain, and teriyaki as well and like them all. All breast meat. It reheats really well, but it's also good cold. Everything is in little chunks and they are in 8 oz. packages. That works for me because my macros put me at 4 oz of chicken per meal. The ease of it is totally amazing to me. 

The only one I wouldn't recommend is the BBQ. The sauce was kind of tomato paste heavy. I've tried lemon-herb, plain, and teriyaki as well and like them all. All breast meat. It reheats really well, but it's also good cold. Everything is in little chunks and they are in 8 oz. packages. That works for me because my macros put me at 4 oz of chicken per meal. The ease of it is totally amazing to me. 
do they list the sauce ingredients on their website?  I wouldn't eat, but mr snick is always looking for new lunch ideas and they put gluten in the weirdest of things.  Like Harbio gummy bears!!!  

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do they list the sauce ingredients on their website?  I wouldn't eat, but mr snick is always looking for new lunch ideas and they put gluten in the weirdest of things.  Like Harbio gummy bears!!!  
I didn't see it on the website, but I bet you could email them. The facebook photos show that the allergens are listed right on the package.


Have you already looked into getting a license?  Most states require a hunter safety class, which would be a hoot for you I'm sure.  Olympic-level rifleman taking a hunting class with a bunch of 12 year-olds.

Here the in-person class was waived this year due to Covid if you did the online class, but I still have go do the field day to get my license next year.
Online only safety class, no field day at least through September.  I suspect they will continue it through the end of the year, but don't know for sure.  

Online only safety class, no field day at least through September.  I suspect they will continue it through the end of the year, but don't know for sure.  

They've started scheduling the in-person classes here starting next month.  I think I'm going to pass for the time being, considering most of the students will be kids--who might be back in school in person--and I'm stereotyping a bit here but I suspect many come from families that don't believe in wearing masks or following any other Covid precautions.

Finally made it back to the gym.  Allergies/chest have calmed down quite a bit.  Not sure if its the HVAC work, antibiotics, or combination of both. 

I've lost a lot of strength in the core and upper back.  My pressing was OK, but I struggled more than I should have with the cleans.  With about 9 weeks left roughly until my competition, I should be able to "wake up" some of the lost strength, but while cutting, I won't be able to make much headway in actual strength gains.  I am going to focus mainly on three event-specific needs 1) log cleans (bicep and upper back), 2) sandbag carry (upper back/core/grip.  I have a load and carry medley and the block is 220 lbs, so I have a 220 lbs sandbag on order so I can train this much more frequently), and 3) zercher squats (works EVERYTHING, but core and back strength will be critical).  

I'm not worried about the pressing part of the ascending log at this point.  I can easily press 205, but it's the clean that gases you out.  It will start at 155 and go up in 10 lbs increments.  There are 75 seconds to clean and press as many reps as you can.  I will be content with 5, but I think 6 will win it.  Props to anyone who can do more than that, I don't have that kind of endurance.  

Also not worried about the chain drag.  MTB has kept my legs in pretty stout shape, and the zercher squats will help train the legs also.  Cardio/muscle endurance will help me (hurt me) more than strength in the chain drag.  

I was NOT used to the feeling of standing upright with 200 lbs in my arms Saturday night, so I really, really hope that one comes back quickly.  I opted for loads and some static marching, but will need to be able to do I think 50 ft with a turn mid way.  

I'm SUPER competitive, and a lot of the people who will be in my class have been going to gyms that were open illegally or have full home gym outfits, so I'm a bit of a disadvantage in that regard.  I hope when I finish towards the bottom of the pack that I still enjoy myself and don't beat myself up over it.  I just really want to be able to make weight, get this comp out of the way, and then focus on three things - cutting down to 198 lbs, 600 lbs deadlift, 300 lbs log press.  I sure hope COVID cooperates.  

But will you at least get a t-shirt? I mean that is truly all that matters in the end! ( & that you had fun or some shit...) 

Are they doing it outside?  - I opted out of the Festivus Games I was going to do since Mask wearing is still a think in CO - I think it would totally take the fun out of doing a competition - no high fives or people to egg you on either - so i figured it would suck..

I hit a PR on my zercher squat this am, but I will just keep that number to myself ;)  (I am nursing a minor knee strain) - I have really gotten where I like those, I bought a 5 mil farmer john type wet suit last year, which I cut into a shorty for my keys trip, I kept the legs and use them for thick elbow sleeves - its amazing what that 5 mil can do..

Saturday I went and checked out another "box" some weird things are going on at our gym not sure whats up so I always wanted to check this other place out and had one of these moments  (below) when I went in to get signed up as a "drop in" - some of the guys that used to be in my 6 PM class when I first started and hit that time slot who had drifted away before covid.  It was good to see them. They are a little bit older than me but were always fun to BS with..

I really dig this place, female owner, about my age, from Georgia! larger gym, and it actually has AC. 

Main drawbacks is that its at least a 12-15 min drive even early in the morning and they dont do a 5 Am they do 5:30 am and every week traffic is slightly getting back to normal and I will need those 30 min..  for a 5 am class I can make it there in 2-3 min - which believe me is very much needed - but they offer a couples discount, which would save us $80 bucks a month..


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