Sure you can. Leave your video off and grunt from a chair.My gym has started Zoom classes for us. This means I can no longer cheat at home.
Sure you can. Leave your video off and grunt from a chair.My gym has started Zoom classes for us. This means I can no longer cheat at home.
That's a one hour workout that gives me time to shower, do my hair, and be online for the office at 7:15ish.& 5:30am? aint no one got time for that (early) anymore
I'm not quite that bad, but I've been getting up around 6:30 most everyday so far. 4AM will suck big time when things go back to normal!Thats impressive!
ive gone from up at 4:05 am, 5 AM class, back home by 6 and out the door NLT 6:20 to literally rolling out of the bed at 7:45 and stumbling down the stairs to make sure i am logged on by 8..
When this is over the 4 AM reboot going to be a bitch!
Just get a mask!My outside workout last night nearly killed me. Muscles weren't tired, but lungs were ON FIRE. I need filtered air to work out with all this damned pollen!
I have to go get an allergy shot today. Pretty sure I've got some of those dust masks that look like the surgical ones (the non-woven type) out in the garage somewhere, and you bet your butt I'm going to wear it.Just get a mask!
My outside workout last night nearly killed me. Muscles weren't tired, but lungs were ON FIRE. I need filtered air to work out with all this damned pollen!
Sandwich bags workJust get a mask!
Do you crank the Rocky theme in the garage?yeah like anyone can find one of those! lol
I've kind of enjoyed working out in the garage, but every time I get halfway through my neighbors come out to wash their truck - I mean if the level of vehicle cleanliness is equal to your amount of apocalypse preparedness then they are F'n golden- just feels weird working out with an audience.. but now too hot to close garage
I think this is what the other neighbors think as we run out of the garage doing 400m runs... Cant wait until they see me pull the sleds out when they come next week!
I was actually down a pound, but I'm pretty sure last night's Papa John's desperation binge put a bullet in that one.I somehow have dropped weight during this. I have to imagine it's because I can't get at french fries as reliably as before.