Fitness Thread

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Huh, I could maybe probably get through it in a few months if I could use a chair for the pull-ups...

Intended Stimulus: While this WOD is an endurance-type workout, it should be performed in approximately an hour or less


I think 80% of the folks scale to some degree  with either banded pull ups / ring rows and elevated push ups.  It was a bitch though I made the mistake of trying to do a few actual push ups before elevating them and that was a serious miscalculation on my part.  And I think only 1 person from our gym wore the vest the whole time (& that was a woman, lol)- I was going to wear the vest for the run since I have lost more weight than what the vest weighs so figured that would be fair? lol, no...

But the pull ups is what gets me.. and 300 air squats is also some bullshit....

Going through P90X (yet again) makes the Murph seem almost "doable".  Soon enough the push ups wouldn't be a problem, I'd have to sissy up the pull ups, and i'd have to modify the air squats because of my crunchy knees.  The runs shouldn't be all that bad.  SO, with enough modifying, I could do the Murph!

Let me know how it goes, I need to put some extra practice in, 200 of them is pretty tough. Even when I was in the army and doing push ups galore I think I would have a problem banging out 200. - Its one thing I need to also put some extra time in.  I am going to start doing hand release push ups on upper body days.  My only real complaint (not really) about XF is the workouts are so random its takes a while to get good at one specific thing.  Today we worked on hand stand push ups (I got 1!) even with assistance on the rest my shoulders and arms are done for today, and likely tomorrow...

I have to burn a week of carryover vacation before the end of June.  World's Strongest Man is in Bradenton, FL again this year, over five days (2 days qualifier, rest day, 2 days for the final) in late May, and should be much easier to watch this year, since they're doing it in a sports complex with actual seating, rather than holding it in the streets scattered around town.  I think we may just take Junior out of school for a couple days and go down to watch.  We can get dirt cheap flights to Orlando (like $158/person round trip), visit the Kraks for a bit and maybe hit Universal or something on the Friday off, then fly back on Monday after the finals are done.  Never know if we'll have another opportunity to see our favorites in one place again.  Bradenton is only 2 hours from Orlando, so we'd save a couple hundred bucks flying there instead of Tampa.  

That would be cool to see, and Bradenton's not a bad town to hang out in for a few days.

Let me know how it goes, I need to put some extra practice in, 200 of them is pretty tough.
I don't have awe-inspiring upper body strength, but I've always had a knack for push-ups.  I still have my chesticles, I just got to get them out of hibernation.

That would be cool to see, and Bradenton's not a bad town to hang out in for a few days.
Good to know.  I'm hoping the crowds will be pretty small in Orlando, too, since that's right before most schools get out.

Been fighting some tendinitis for a couple weeks in the left elbow, very annoying, I've been avoiding any movements where I hang from a bar (pull ups, toe 2 bar, etc) - feels like its around 80% but I'm going to try and not do those movements for at least another 2 weeks.... I put a pull up bar in the garage and I think I fucked it up over-using it and trying to work on pull ups :(

oh man, the last time i did murph i ripped my hand open on all those pullups.  i have yet to do murph with a weight vest so i guess i still haven't done it Rx.

That is still bad ass!

I think I cold only wear the vest for the run -

My pull up bar in the garage has been awesome  Ill grab a pic later but If i hadn't fucked up my elbow working on pull ups outside of class (when I shouldn't have been) I might actually be able to use it...

weird, I have worn XL shirts since College and now they are all feeling very baggy on me.. Never thought I would be back wearing a "Large" shirt size - like not since HS days have I worn that size I dont think..

Our gym is doing a weightlifting competition at the end of the month, but they are only doing Snatches (heh) and Clean & Jerks... I signed up but I am in the same weight class as the "big boys" who have all been doing this shit for a long time.  We do these movements a lot, but not with heavy weight since they are usually 1 of 5 things were doing, so I dont think I am going to be able to get much weight overhead. But should I still buy a singlet just for fun? 😉

weird, I have worn XL shirts since College and now they are all feeling very baggy on me.. Never thought I would be back wearing a "Large" shirt size - like not since HS days have I worn that size I dont think..

Our gym is doing a weightlifting competition at the end of the month, but they are only doing Snatches (heh) and Clean & Jerks... I signed up but I am in the same weight class as the "big boys" who have all been doing this shit for a long time.  We do these movements a lot, but not with heavy weight since they are usually 1 of 5 things were doing, so I dont think I am going to be able to get much weight overhead. But should I still buy a singlet just for fun? 😉
Beauty of powerlifting/weight lifting meets - you're really only up against yourself since you pick your weights.

I just dont have much of a frame of reference of what my 1RM is.  I have done that movement with a rep scheme of 12, 9, 5 @ 135 lbs with other movements mixed in but never just that one movement for a max..

Can I go to Planet Fitness and work on that there? 😉

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Seriously though, that is great you signed up for a weightlifting meet.  Like Supe said, don't worry about trying to compete with the others.  Compete against yourself and it is fun to wear singlets.

-just got an email they are going to open up the gym for a few hours on Sundays so we can work on weight progression. which is good.

But yeah I am looking forward to it.  I think everyone enjoys power cleans and going overhead.

Ours is a pretty small gym / "box" and I get that the owner, who probably coaches 90% of the classes needs a break, but I am glad to see him open it up on Sundays for a few hours..  He has been fairly resistant to that in the past, which I get, I don't like to go to work on Sunday either!

Well I'm not doing any of that shit, but I did max out pushups on my annual physical fitness test for the first time ever this week. For my age that's 64 pushups. And I maxed out the plank (3 min) but I've been doing that for years.

The only thing I can't seem to make any progress on is the run. I am stuck at just about a 9:45 mile, and have been for most of my adult life.  Which is fine because the minimum is way slower than that, but the way our APFT points work makes it such that I would have to make it to the next level on the run (an 8:10 or so mile), to go up a level on my score. Regardless of maxing out the pushups and plank. 

64 unbroken pushups is very solid! I don’t think I could grunt out that many without a break or two..or three...

And I think that’s more than a respectable run time- we are old as F.....
