But why on earth would they want the instructor to work for free? Are they short of cash?
I started out going 3X a week then 4X and now do 4-5 depending on work, They usually have Saturday workouts but no Sunday. Saturdays are usually something "partner" workout related or lots of running (like 200M and 400M's) when its nice weather with some other BS mixed in (but its usually fun) - For a few weeks I did 6 days a week and that really kicked my ass so I backed off from that.
I think you would like it, from stalking your HITT gym online, the only major difference would be weights & with new people they are very restrictive on weights until they feel you know the movements - for example it was very humbling for me, anything that was overhead I was only allowed to do them with just a broomstick for the first few weeks, then worked up to the ladies bar, then the 45 lb empty bar then weights. You figure we are their revenue so if I get hurt because I dont know how to overhead squat and dont come back then they dont get paid.
Most follow a similar format but ours is:
Monday / Friday - Lower Body
Tuesday / Thursday - Upper Body
Wednesday - Usually some high intensity cardio ******** (wall balls, rowing, kettlebell swings, jump rope, etc) - around 30 min
Saturday - "Partner Workouts"
example from last Saturday: ( and if you cant do pull ups then you do something like banded pull ups, ring rows, etc same for toes to bar, lots of options to do other movements that suck equally) - Id say less than 30% of the people at our gym do these "as prescribed"
So my partner and I would do 10 cal's each until we each got to 50, 10 PU's until we each got to 50, etc)
Teams Of 2 AMRAP x 30 Minutes100 Calorie Row100 Pull-ups100 Burpees100 Toes-2-Bar