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So.... been at this for about a year almost. When do i go full crazy and buy the protein shaker breakfast thing? - Currently I try and just eat 2 hard boiled eggs and a nanner after the 5 am workout, but I feel like I need to upgrade it a bit?
Do you, uh, drink protein? That seems like the first step before you get a blender bottle. 

I am not a plain milk fan but I have been trying to drink some - i just normally forget. Even with a 5 AM workout, I have about a 12 minute window from when I get done to shower, eat , and get out the door to work or else a 40 min commute is going to be an hour and a half.  It would also be nice to avoid adding hard boiling 40 eggs to Sunday night meal prep (wife also earts a hard boiled egg sammich every day).. gasp I even started making coffee at home :(  

Also probably the next step is a tattoo sleeve? 

I have been trying to up my protein, so I've been drinking Vega protein powder. I'm not vegan (I think I'm legally required to tell you daily if I am), but I like it because it causes me no GI issues and it tastes way better than some of the others. It mixes up fairly decently and I've had success with pre-blending it in a mixer and then just shaking it in a cheapo blender bottle later on. 

Can't you Instant Pot eggs? 

Well, you already have the Jeep, so yeah, the ROGUE tattoo has got to be next. 

True Nutrition protein powder all the way!!

I create a custom blend there. It's great. I just ordered five lbs of it. Great prices, because they aren't concerned with marketing.

Are you wanting to augment, or replace?  I tried using some drinks as meal replacements in the morning for a while, and was always starving.  

Technically I guess it would be augmenting - seems around 50% of the time I forget to eat breakfast - But I am making the wife use her RD skills and calculate how many grams of protein I need, I think she said 85-90g? Which probably isnt hard to do for most days..

we bought a 5 lb bag of the chocy whey stuff from costco over the weekend ($35 bucks!) one scoop is only 120 calories, I used milk this morning and it wasnt too bad. still ate a bannana but defin not feeling "full"

We are both doing the hydro-static body fat testing tomorrow (she found a "groupon" lol 2 for 1) & then I guess that gives her some data to use...??

The wife is pushing mushrooms in everything, apparently its a recovery superfood?

-- but its nice to feel some core strength results after almost a year of this working out 5-6 days a week nonsense- went snowboarding and got stuck in some powder in the trees (only place there was any left) normally that would involve me almost dying and heart rate reaching 190 to get out, but jumping out and up out of nearly wast deep snow is now fairly easy - or way easier than it used to be & for anyone who snowboards and has had to do the "board jump" up a small hill so you dont have to unstrap  you will know what I am referring to!

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Protein is usually figured at .8g per KG of body weight as a minimum, so that sounds about right.  

Have a meeting close to the house today so I decided to get some more sleep and go to 6am class instead of my usual 5am..... have been up since 4:10 drinking coffee and staring at the clock // - at least it’s back squat day.....

Also we did pick up 2 - 5lb bags of the whey powder from Costco (can’t recall the brand-$35/EA) one choc / one vanilla... it’s pretty interesting that even with 2 scoops I am still under my protein needs almost every day... but within 30 grams or so....

Yep, since my first workout three days ago, I'm really sore.  Hurt to turn over in bed last night.  Love it.

Also we did pick up 2 - 5lb bags of the whey powder from Costco (can’t recall the brand-$35/EA) one choc / one vanilla... it’s pretty interesting that even with 2 scoops I am still under my protein needs almost every day... but within 30 grams or so....
I have no experience with Costco protein powder and I no longer use any protein powders.  However, I found MyProtein to fit the bill of benefits / $ a few years ago.  They run promotions from time to time and I got 5.5 lbm bags for about $40.  Stuck with the basics (vanilla, chocolate brownie, strawberry, ...) and got some mad gainzzzzzz.  Better than burning money on old-school names.   :2cents:

Have a meeting close to the house today so I decided to get some more sleep and go to 6am class instead of my usual 5am..... have been up since 4:10 drinking coffee and staring at the clock // - at least it’s back squat day.....

Also we did pick up 2 - 5lb bags of the whey powder from Costco (can’t recall the brand-$35/EA) one choc / one vanilla... it’s pretty interesting that even with 2 scoops I am still under my protein needs almost every day... but within 30 grams or so....
You may want to check out  I get my creatine through them to help with recovery, and it was super fine/tasteless/dissolved perfectly.  Dirt cheap, great reviews.  They sell unflavored protein powder for about $21/lbs, so you just blend it in with whatever you're drinking.  When you consider that's no filler/flavoring, it's a pretty good deal and goes a long way.  

Oh yeah - if you have an Aldi nearby, they sell individual serving packets of Northern Catch "Sweet and Spicy Chunk Light Tuna".  I thought they'd be disgusting, but they're actually really good.  14g protein and only 80 calories.

I wish we had an Aldi here!  

We get some tuna, also from Costco, its a slightly larger can and I do that for lunch at least once a week,  I will have to check the nutrient content on it.

MS - The soreness will get better!

I bought a home pull up bar and wore my elbow out last weekend working on strict chin ups - Been trying to figure out how to activate my lats more, so now I will be taking a break from hanging from a bar for a week or so, maybe 2

MS - The soreness will get better!

I bought a home pull up bar and wore my elbow out last weekend working on strict chin ups - Been trying to figure out how to activate my lats more, so now I will be taking a break from hanging from a bar for a week or so, maybe 2
I miss this soreness.  It's a good hurt.  For chin ups, grip with your hands, but pull yourself up by pushing your elbows down.  Sounds weird, but it always worked for me.  The bar just hurts my wrists now so I just don't do them. 😕 

I am also working on the shoulder shrug / kipping movement for "toes to bar" so you have to "pull the bar down" and I think its a similar concept to pushing the elbows - I think I just did too much -I have delusions about doing "Murph" RX in May, which is 100 pull ups (among other things) , its probably not going to happen but Id like to do at least 50 regular pull ups. But working out 5-6 days a week doesn't allow for much accessory work (at 46! anyways..)

Last year I was only a few months into working out "at a higher level"  and did 50 "heavily" banded pull ups and 50 ring rows, shoulders and triceps were done, cause you also have to do 200 push ups. I think I was doing 5 pull ups, 10 PU and then 30 air squats per rotation? Time was 54:00 and some change, the running was defin the easy part!

If you gym offers it you should do it, it just sucks that its usually the day before the Boulder Bolder

We're not some crazy crossfit gym, but last year some people got together to do it in the park. The last few years a friend who runs Boulder then goes home and does Murph. That might be what I try. 

You can come do Murph at our gym and do the race the next day (Although I think we do it the Saturday before Memorial Day) - we have a 900 SF basement with full bath you can have access to (just have to share with the GD Cat) free of charge! Its kind of fun to do it with a group of crazy people with some thumping music..
