Fitness Thread

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yeah no thanks!  :D  

I don't want this to be a regular habit - I enjoy being a night owl, at this rate I will need a nap very soon...

yeah no thanks!  :D  

I don't want this to be a regular habit - I enjoy being a night owl, at this rate I will need a nap very soon...
I need naps regardless of what time I wake up :)  

I wake up at 4:40 a.m. to get ready to run. 

And by get ready to run, I mean sometimes I need to get down to my racing weight. 

I like being done with it for the day but I am not to the point yet where I can easily fall asleep at 9 PM to make the wake up call easier - maybe it just takes time.

The 5 AM class has all the 'serious' people in it - I think we are bringing down the average scores for that time slot.

in other news I did 25 toes to bar this morning. don't ask me how.... I still have belly fat :D

Apparently this is the new normal


you are not a true crossfitter until you post a picture of your ripped calluses and bloody hands.

You're not a true crossfitter until you post a video of yourself wearing stupid crossfit finger grippy-doos.


Damn those look really nice actually :)

What really kills my hands are the rope climbs and rope pulls.. I’m Not there yet on the climb though

I’m still just a 2x a week er - working out at this small gym I found that has no cardio/ TV’s / etc and doing 60-80 miles a week on the bike other days.

The Xfitt doesn’t do anything for running or biking - other than just improving general fitness

Just clip your calluses with nail clippers or file them down every so often.  If they get big enough, they'll tear, and then you'll wish you had.

Like clip them so the puss comes out before it pops?

This will give me something to do during this lunch meeting that got scheduled!
