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I'm just trying to get interested in work. Having a hard time focusing this week.
Me neither. But aside from a few small side projects I was given, I'm back in "waiting mode" on the corporate engineering guys. Still awaiting replies from China, as well as our NC and MA offices, and some estimates from a local rep, and until then, I got nothin'.

I've got the project from hell staring me in the face. As is typical though, I'm waiting for a couple of decisions from the client before I can do too much.

Days 1 and 2 they had the edge on us, especially since they got the jump with 3 topics on day 1.

Can't slack off though, a few hours of slowdown or some night time antics and they're right back in it.

Hopefully environmental restrictions will not force the A-Team to drive around in this

^That is a really cool paint job on what is one of the ugliest vehicles I have ever seen.

I hate those things with a passion. I feel like whoever is driving it has to pull it back a few feet to wind it up before it starts moving.

Aw... I think the Smart is kinda cute!

Of course, I drove a Geo Metro convertible in highschool... and up until a few months ago, I drove a Toyota Echo. I kinda like small cars.

Sigh. I'm here til 3:30 today.
Same here. I used to go on lunch at 11. I figured by waiting, I accomplish a few things:

1) I make the time period that I'm in the office after lunch much shorter

2) I don't do crap from 11-12 because most of our sites are on the east coast, so they all go on lunch

3) I avoid the barrage of phone calls from 12-1 that comes when they all get back from lunch.

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