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- a zillion LOTR for advocating this:





And I don't think Frodo enjoyed your finger too much:


SW - a zillion for "romantic" picnics


a bonus - 500 for the gay rat tail again

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+ a billion to SW for their corny love affairs being comprised of gender opposites and containing Natalie Portman.

Why are the Jedi always wearing matching bathrobes?


- 1 for SW

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This would be in reference to SW episodes 4-6, not episodes 1-3.

-200 to the f[SIZE=36pt]A[/SIZE]il-[SIZE=36pt]team[/SIZE] for an off topic reference.

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Capt Worley has a rapist's van for an avatar. What's up with that?
Are you insinuating Hannibal, BA, Faceman, or Howlin' Mad Murdock (or some combination thereof) were rapists? Wow, you must have watched a lot of LOTR, where that sot of activity was (not so subtley) hinted at.


we need to be more specific.

the f[SIZE=36pt]A[/SIZE]il-team is a supporter of the child molester [SIZE=36pt]A[/SIZE]rmadilla.

that is a child snatcher van with which they pay homage, the sick effers.

:plusone: LOTR

I repeat, you are the guys into stormtrooper butts.

that finger is pointing at [SIZE=18pt]you[/SIZE]


Just don't put it in me, Mr. LOTR! Don't drink the LOTR Kool-aid. The Force could break you of this.

Many points to SW while deducting as many from LOTR.

there was no Kool [SIZE=24pt]A[/SIZE]id proffered.

the judge will take note of this false accusation and penalize the pedophiles appropriately.

thank you.

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The judge will also note that Natalie Portman>>>Orlando Bloom and award yet another point to SW.

funny that you admit that Natilie Portman is so boyish looking you may compare her to a manly man such as Orlando Bloom


You are incorrect sir. The judge will note that Liv Tyler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Natalie Portman x 999999999999999999999999999 and award said point to LOTR.

Seen Liv lately?

You are incorrect sir. The judge will note that Liv Tyler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Natalie Portman x 999999999999999999999999999 and award said point to LOTR.

Outright false information. - Eleventy bajillion LOTR.

Not only is Natalie Portman hot, but your "hero" Legolas is extremely effeminate in outward appearance, and sans the (butt) pirate moustache, could easily be mistaken for a woman.

+ eleventy bajillion SW.

your lewd and sordid observations of the heroic character of Legolas place you in the manditory homophobic sensitivity training cell with your buddy Dleg.

take five points for Griffindor!

The f[SIZE=18pt]A[/SIZE]il team pedophiles would find boyish Natalie Portman attractive. And of course they would be intimidated by our manly cast of heroes and their rocking beards


:plusone: LOTR

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