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OK, so that was alot to take in one bite. but I've had an aperitiv, walked the dogs under beautiful night sky, and had time to think this over.

SO what you are saying is that after Obama's failed attempt to socialize our system, with a negative impact to the economy greater than a second 9/11 attack, our enemies, emboldened by an incompetent foriegn policy of appeasement launch a nuke attack on us ending in apocolypse.

aliens arrive some time later and find SW 1-3 and the magnificent LOTR trilogy to judge our society.

in SW 1-3 they find a Jar Jar infused vehicle for special effects that ends with evil winning (apparently)

in LOTR they find a masterful triumph of good over evil in a rich, well portrayed parable.

Unless they are pure evil themselves, LOTR by a trillion lightyears.

Of course evil is portrayed as winning - SW 1-3 would be the "old testament" to them. Fire and brimstone, that sort of thing. What religion doesn't have a good scare story to inspire it's members to behave?

SW 4-6 is then the new testament, the capstone to their new religion, the triumph of The Force.

LOTR is just a story.

SW takes it.

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Even though we are debating the merits of episodes 1-3, in a future scenario we cannot rule out the possibility that the future humans won't find the final trilogy. Otherwise we might as well argue what might happen if the future humans found only "Fellowship of the Ring", an equally dismal prospect.

But irregardless (just grinding that word in with the italics), the first 3 star wars still lay out the basis for an entire spiritual belief system and holds out the promise of the coming of a savior, in which case, finding just those three episodes may in fact create a more compelling religion,one which is waiting for its savior to fly in and destroy evil.

Yesss! SW pulls out the win!

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Am I too late to join? I have a feeling I am.

So I will pass judgment so far: Star Wars is winning. And it always will.

But for some reason I felt right at home in Lord of the Rings. I felt like I could really identify with most of the characters....

that might work if you are going to throw the rules out the window.

but that won't work.

you see, the BIG RED ONE is watching you. and we play by the rules.

:plusone: <--see even this guy is for us!

I'm sorry. I was under the impression there were no rules.

Winner will be decided by vote in the Shoot the Breeze forum on which team has done a better job of proving its point, you may use anything you think is necessary to prove your assignment.
Thanks for the effort PE-ness, but really, we don't need you to win. Not against LOTR anyway. Maybe you would fit in better with "the big red one" though...

you see, the BIG RED ONE is watching you.
With it's one eye? I'm getting kind of creeped out here...


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I heard he is a big red one.

so there are no limits, you can add any book or movie? I think you guys would do well with "Anne of Green Gables" or summat.

gee wiz.

Hey Team One, I have a draft signature for you to consider. I didn't have time to fully "flesh it out", but you get the picture:


Star Wars was the inspiration for Spaceballs, one of the all time great Mel Brooks movies. Point SW.

Which evil army would you not want to go up against?

Hapless Droids


Or blood thirsty orcs?


I don't care if they droids have lasers, they were defeated by a civilization of Jar-Jar's,


Dleg, you forgot the Big Red One's fireman helmet, if you catch my drift.

Oh, and for having a big red one eyed thing as the evil entity, -15 LOTR.

Yeah, with a little more time I could make it more anatomically correct. You know, for a big red one.

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