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your lewd and sordid observations of the heroic character of Legolas place you in the manditory homophobic sensitivity training cell with your buddy Dleg.
take five points for Griffindor!
- infinity for throwing in a Harry Potter reference. To even bring Harry Potter into a Star Wars debate is pure sacrilege.

The f[SIZE=18pt]A[/SIZE]il team pedophiles would find boyish Natalie Portman attractive. And of course they would be intimidated by our manly cast of heroes and their rocking beards

:plusone: LOTR

Cute velvet gown.

-1 LOTR.

Liv tyler is way better than Natalie Portman. +1 LOTR

Acting to Liv is a career. Acting to natalie was just a way to pay for law school....and she wasn't very good at acting either.

Acting to Liv is a career. Acting to natalie was just a way to pay for law school....and she wasn't very good at acting either.
Yea, just look at her stellar box office smashes:

-Silent fall


-That Thing You Do

-Empire Records


-50 LOTR for the vastness of suckitude that Liv Tyler has acted in.

- another 50 for LOTR for Liv RUNDGREN having to change her last name just to be cast in a role.

- 10,000 for lusting after our manly warriors. keep your stormtrooper boy toys and leave our guys alone!
-100,000 for thinking a bunch of bearded hippie-wannabe-burnouts in their grannies' nightgowns are manly.

A traveling band of Hobbits, merrily making their way along their journey... I think Fromo and Dilbo are a litte more apt to partake in some goatse action than the SW clan.
Let's recap SW episodes 1-3. A group of men in bathrobes, show no interest in women and a continually talking about "the force", cast off the one member of their group who does show an interest in a female (however boyish she may be) and label him as 'evil' and say he has joined 'the dark side'. Now tell me, which characters are more likely to partake in a some goatse action?

+ eleventy billion points LOTR

and speaking of Liv Tyler, she used stormwater modeling to stop these dudes.

another jillion pls.

In all seriousness, I'm glad I got the side of the argument I did. First, LOTR really sucked, and secondly, I'd hate to have all that ghey LOTR stuff in my browser history.

thank you for the reminder. I need to optimize the efficiency of my computer to do remarkable engineering work.

and I'm not sure about your computer, but mine has heroic images of the epic LOTR trilogy.

In all seriousness, I'm glad I got the side of the argument I did. First, LOTR really sucked, and secondly, I'd hate to have all that ghey LOTR stuff in my browser history.
You call that a rebuttal?

The f[SIZE=18pt]A[/SIZE]il team has got nothing and is now resorting to childish name calling.

-1 point SW

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My movuie is far superior to both films. Two tons of hurtling death metal is far more manly and entertaining than a bunch of sissy-boys running around either the universe or the shire.

+1 The Car

You call that a rebuttal?
Not a rebuttal at all. Watching people try to support LOTR>>SW is like waving at the people on the deck of the Titanic as you row away.

LOTR=Dungeons and Dragons

+billion for SW

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