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- eleventy billion LOTR

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Let me knew what the acronym meant. I had to look it up.
- 666 SW
I looked it up to post it. I'd never heard of the group before.

I reclaim my 666, and the 200 from rw, plus another 52239567 for making you add LOTR-like searches to your search history.

SW rules!!!!

I also don't know what the acronym means. Another septillion kabillion points for Team 1 becuase our team members

1. Don't have butt sex with storm troopers.

2. Don't carry memberships to NAMBLA.

3. Don't know what GLAAD means.

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I do have to admit I found the group when I put "LOTR fan group" into Google Search.

So that's negative twentykazillion for LOTR.


This dog is obviously a fan of SW. This dog rocks. 3 points SW.

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This dog is obviously a fan of SW. This dog rocks. 3 points SW.

1. That was very creative and if you weren't on the other team I would give you a :appl: :appl: :appl: .

2. In the previous post, you in no way whatsoever debated the merits (as if there were any) of SW 1-3.

3. So I don't repeat your previous mistake. SW has no dogs in the movie, LOTR does. 1 jillion and 3 points for LOTR.

4. Team A likes to do it doggy style with stormtroopers.

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Consider the universe of South Park, the best TV show ever:

LOTR was the focus of an entire episode, where the boys go on an epic quest to return the LOTR movie to the blockbuster, but the movie was actually a porno mistakinly placed in the LOTR case, and hilariousness ensued. Obviously, the South Park creators like LOTR.

+69 for LOTR

Whereas South Park proclaims that George Lucas has ruined star wars by raping and pillaging it for money

-69000 for SW

+ a bajillion SW for me drawing and scanning this.

OK People, I have added up all the claimed and re-claimed points, and so far this is where we stand:

Star Wars is ahead by 20000010000020000000000030000233333412454 points

Family Guy and Robot Chicken have both had entire episodes devoted to Star Wars and neither has even mentioned LOTR.

Epic win for SW.

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