Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
I think some of the lower income folks on here don't really pay any income tax, so it is basically a credit on their payroll taxes or something.
Yeah... some want to call it a rebate - which it's not. 1/3 of Americans FILING TAXES (I don't know how many don't file at all) didn't pay *ANYTHING* to the IRS in 2006 when all was said and done... so these are not "tax cuts" or rebates we're talking about for the poorest - they are INCREASES in the credit (aka welfare). You can read more at this site

Maybe it was just me but McCain looked like a train-wreck for the first half hour of the debate.

He got MUCH better after that.

Wife asks last nite why i'm not watching debate (had Law & Order rerun on). I say, "i'm so sick of listening to those 2 jackasses jibberjabber back-n-forth, i hope who ever wins keeps his piehole shut for a couple months just to give us a break"

So she boots up CNBC on her ol laptop, watches like 20 min., next thing i know she's surfin the net. I'm like "what up?"

She be all like "yeah, you're right. . ." that's right! I don't hear that too often :appl:

And God Bless Fox for running the NLCS game in complete disdain for airing the heckle & jeckle show :thumbs:

Maybe it was just me but McCain looked like a train-wreck for the first half hour of the debate.
He got MUCH better after that.

I actually thought it was the other way around. He started shooting himself in the foot once they started bringing up Roe vs. Wade, etc.

I actually thought it was the other way around. He started shooting himself in the foot once they started bringing up Roe vs. Wade, etc.
So I take it you're a fan of the Kelo decision -

Activist (read liberal) court activity is a major issue, and goes far beyone RvW.

I do agree he was better in the beginning, becasue he doesn't explain some of these issues very well.

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So I take it you're a fan of the Kelo decision -

Activist (read liberal) court activity is a major issue, and goes far beyone RvW.

I do agree he was better in the beginning, becasue he doesn't explain some of these issues very well.
Very much the opposite in regards to the Kelo decision.

McCain started off very well, but as they trudged on in the debate, the fluency of his arguments started to break apart, and he started coming across as a staunch social conservative, moreso than I believe that he actually is or intended to be. I think there were some fence sitters that he probably lost as the evening went on.

Personally, I wish it hadn't turned out that way. Some of the things Obama said were just asinine (don't even get me started on all of the ECE education reform and "community service" credit crap), he just came across as the better speaker towards the end.

Very much the opposite in regards to the Kelo decision.
McCain started off very well, but as they trudged on in the debate, the fluency of his arguments started to break apart, and he started coming across as a staunch social conservative, moreso than I believe that he actually is or intended to be. I think there were some fence sitters that he probably lost as the evening went on.

Personally, I wish it hadn't turned out that way. Some of the things Obama said were just asinine (don't even get me started on all of the ECE education reform and "community service" credit crap), he just came across as the better speaker towards the end.
I agree McCain doesn't explain things really well sometimes.

What I saw him saying was that he was a federalist. But I only caught it on replay. I've watched McCain debate many times and I've never seen him come off as a radical prolifer. Maybe something about late term abortion, on which I think he agrees with popular opinion in the country. But I guess eveybody sees it through their own lens. I don't think you have to be a social conservative to think that an unelected court should not be able to mandate social policy for the entire country. At least I think that is a matter for the people through their elected representatives.


How do you measure people voting blindly to determine if there were more on one side or another?

I just hung up the phone. I was finally part of one of the polls. I told them that I was voting for Obama, but that my mind could be changed before the election.

Supposedly, West Virginia is now a 'battleground' state. I hope that everyone in our state is smart enough and will do exactly what I just did. If both candidates think that we are unsure and that we will change our minds before the election, then they will spend a bunch of campaign $$$'s here.

Of course I'd never vote for Obama, but I see no harm in giving him false hope.


I'm voting for Nader, again. I think the two party system totally sucks. It is leading to the deterioration of the US. That's my opinion.

I just hung up the phone. I was finally part of one of the polls. I told them that I was voting for Obama, but that my mind could be changed before the election.
Supposedly, West Virginia is now a 'battleground' state. I hope that everyone in our state is smart enough and will do exactly what I just did. If both candidates think that we are unsure and that we will change our minds before the election, then they will spend a bunch of campaign $$$'s here.

Of course I'd never vote for Obama, but I see no harm in giving him false hope.
I don't know dude, it didn't take long for McCain to throw in the towel on Michigan, and this like a week after he was stumping on my side of state (i.e. conservative side)

I remember the fall of '92 when a certain presidential candidate promised a tax cut for the middle class.
And I remember a certain presidental candidate in 1988 promising, "Read my lips, no new taxes."

I don't know dude, it didn't take long for McCain to throw in the towel on Michigan, and this like a week after he was stumping on my side of state (i.e. conservative side)
No, you're on the left side of the state and I'm on the right side. Maybe we should switch spots?

And I remember a certain presidental candidate in 1988 promising, "Read my lips, no new taxes."
When he went back on that one, he was crucified by both sides of the isle. He also lost his bid for re-election.

I remember the fall of '92 when a certain presidential candidate promised a tax cut for the middle class.
I also remember the State of the Union address in '93 where he not only said the government couldn't afford the tax cut, he was going to have to raise taxes. He also introduced us to the concept of the retroactive tax increase.

His plan was that nobody would hold him accountable in '96. He was correct.
That's because the economy was doing quite well. Booming, even, you might say. And the deficit was very much under control. How do you reconcile that?

(BTW I voted for Ross Perot in '92, and was already where I am now in '96 and thus couldn't vote. But I would have probably voted for Clinton by then, because my investments were doing very well and things in the US seemed great at the time. I could care less whether he got a little on the side at the office or was "the Anti Christ" as my ex's former pentacostal church-mates truly seemed to believe)

^^ The theme of the '92 election was "It's the econonmy, stupid." Clinton repeatedly claimed it was the worst economy in the last 50 years. However, the historical data indicates that the recovery was well under way in '92. There is usually a large disconnect between perception and reality where the state of the economy is concerned. Clinton raised taxes at a time when the economy was already growing again at a good rate. Economic fortune happened to be smiling on him.

The reason the deficit was under control in '96 was a combination of the election of the congress of '94 and the economy being on fire resulting in more money coming in than the government could spend. Unfortunately, regardless of political party, more money coming in means more money spent growing the government. It also seems that government is incapable of saving anything for when the inevitable slow down.

(I also could care less about Clinton's "side" action on its own. He was accused of violating a law that he signed (A superior in his 50's shall not be diddling with an underling in her 20's). He then lied about it in both a press conference and under oath.

Bush would have won in 92 if not for Perot. I often wonder how the US would be different if Perot had never run.
