Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
^And the republican is running with scissors and the democrat is passed out with a wine bottle in his hand. Imagine that!

I can't believe what I heard on the radio this morning. A John McCain ad trying to make Obama look bad because, get this, Obama wants to eliminate deficit spending!!!!

Didn't the country just get into a perilous financial situation due to irresponsible borrowing and spending? And McCain thinks the goverment should follow this model in it's own finances? Aren't the Republicans supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility?

Not that I was seriously thinking of voting for McCain, but this just sealed the deal for me. I'm pissed, and completely disgusted right now. IMHO, an "experienced" politician will only bring more of these political tricks, lying and cheating to the table. Not that Obama's a lot better, though.

Aren't the Republicans supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility?
They haven't been acting like it, have they? I'm coming to the conclusion that having one party control the executive and legislative branches of the gov is not a good thing at all. Doesn't matter which party, either.

^^ I agree. Gridlock is good. The more gridlock there is, the less pain the government can inflict on us.

I'm not too happy about this headline:

"McCain campaign writes off Michigan

Republican officials say candidate is shifting resources away from the state"

"These officials said McCain was pulling staff and advertising out of the economically distressed Midwestern state."

Just what us fence sitters wanna hear, yet another muckity-muck dildo politician giving up on our plight

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due :appl: for Sarah Palin in last nite's debate. She did really good, though struggled there for awhile w/ a hair malfunction (part of her bangs kept flipping into her left eye) - also, i seriously have heard the term 'maverick' enough times this year to never need to hear it till i go boots up!

I enjoyed last nite's debate more than the presidential one - thought more could be gleaned from what Palin / Biden were orating than what McCain / Obama did

due :appl: for Sarah Palin in last nite's debate. She did really good, though struggled there for awhile w/ a hair malfunction (part of her bangs kept flipping into her left eye) - also, i seriously have heard the term 'maverick' enough times this year to never need to hear it till i go boots up!
I enjoyed last nite's debate more than the presidential one - thought more could be gleaned from what Palin / Biden were orating than what McCain / Obama did

I couldn't help but laugh at Biden's closing speech last night. I've heard more legitimate, heart-felt closing statements come out of Steven Hawking's speech computer. I was waiting for him to start waving around miniature American flags and lighting sparklers.

I loved Palin's "Say it ain't so, Joe" towards the end. . .clearly she's a White Sox fan! :beerchug:

Should the government really get to say what we can wear to the polls? Apparently the Repblicans think they should. From this article:

Now, a political fight over what voters can wear to the polls is headed to court in Pennsylvania — with the Republican Party favoring a dress code and Democrats opposed.
To the GOP, the lack of rules could open the door to all kinds of questionable displays — even, one Republican leader suggested, something as outlandish as a musical hat.

To the Democrats, voters should be free to express themselves. They fear a dress code could scare away some new voters.
Hmm, my only musical hat plays the Canadian National Anthem. . . .or wait, was it God save the Queen?

Not to bash McCain or anything, but I thought those were funny. :)

^I agree. You gotta have a sense of humor, and some of those were extremely funny.
