Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
Anyone catch the clips from that fundriaser the candidates attended jointly? Holy crap that was funny, better than the debates. I wish they publicized it more in advance.
It was awesome, and they should really do that kind of stuff more often. People would get a better feel of the candidates.

Perot got real weird in that Clinton - Bush Sr election year (consipiracys about kidnapped daughter or something?), otherwise i woulda voted for him then. I did vote for him [Perot] when Slick Willy ran for re-election however. Guy was genuine. . .it woulda been interesting had he made it.

Perot would have quit within six months after he couldn't get Congress to bend to his whims.

The idea of Perot with his finger on 'the button' gave me the hebee jebeez. Those paid ads with the charts were kind of entertaining though.

I just hung up the phone. I was finally part of one of the polls. I told them that I was voting for Obama, but that my mind could be changed before the election.

Supposedly, West Virginia is now a 'battleground' state. I hope that everyone in our state is smart enough and will do exactly what I just did. If both candidates think that we are unsure and that we will change our minds before the election, then they will spend a bunch of campaign $$$'s here.

Of course I'd never vote for Obama, but I see no harm in giving him false hope.


DV, I know that I said earlier that I would stay out of the political threads, but this bothers me on several levels. Yes, I am an Obama supporter, but I am going to leave politics out of this. As engineers, we supposedly have a code of ethics. While I understand that this does not legally do so, I would hope that engineers would exercise the same ethics in their personal lives. Also, as a Christian (which you have stated that you are), lying is against the moral and ethical standards of our shared faith. Deliberately misleading, as you stated you did above, is not very Christ-like, which I would hope all Christians aspire to be. In my area of the country, there has been vandalism of political signs of both parties, as well as political offices (rocks and concrete planters through windows). I am extremely disturbed by this sort of behavior, and am just ready for the election to be over. DV, I'm not perfect either, but blantantly misleading on a poll (yes, I know it is trivial) is not something that I would do. I now continue my silence in the political threads.


DV, I know that I said earlier that I would stay out of the political threads, but this bothers me on several levels. Yes, I am an Obama supporter, but I am going to leave politics out of this. As engineers, we supposedly have a code of ethics. While I understand that this does not legally do so, I would hope that engineers would exercise the same ethics in their personal lives. Also, as a Christian (which you have stated that you are), lying is against the moral and ethical standards of our shared faith. Deliberately misleading, as you stated you did above, is not very Christ-like, which I would hope all Christians aspire to be. In my area of the country, there has been vandalism of political signs of both parties, as well as political offices (rocks and concrete planters through windows). I am extremely disturbed by this sort of behavior, and am just ready for the election to be over. DV, I'm not perfect either, but blantantly misleading on a poll (yes, I know it is trivial) is not something that I would do. I now continue my silence in the political threads.

I hope you are equally outraged over the thousands of phony voter registrations. Somehow that seems a little more serious than joking (or lying if you prefer) with a person on a poll, which is a voluntary action and not legally binding on anything.

And I don't know if you are a Christian or not. If you are not (or even if you are) it is a little pretentious to tell somebody what they do is, or is not Christian. In my interpretation of lying not only are all lies not equally bad, sometimes it is even preferable to lie. A lie on the stand is worse than a lie to a pollster. And if some person shows you their ugly kid and asks you "Isn't she beautiful", I can pretty much guarantee it is more decent to lie.

Oh by the way, if you said earlier you would stay out of political threads, and now you are in a political thread, that is a ....what is that called again?

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I hope you are equally outraged over the thousands of phony voter registrations. Somehow that seems a little more serious than joking (or lying if you prefer) with a person on a poll, which is a voluntary action and not legally binding on anything.
And I don't know if you are a Christian or not. If you are not (or even if you are) it is a little pretentious to tell somebody what they do is, or is not Christian. In my interpretation of lying not only are all lies not equally bad, sometimes it is even preferable to lie. A lie on the stand is worse than a lie to a pollster. And if some person shows you their ugly kid and asks you "Isn't she beautiful", I can pretty much guarantee it is more decent to lie.

Oh by the way, if you said earlier you would stay out of political threads, and now you are in a political thread, that is a ....what is that called again?
I'll finish the sentence...a lie. And that would make me a liar, benbo. As I stated, I am not perfect. Yes, I am outraged by the voter registration fraud. Fraud in general makes me upset. I am a Christian, and I usually try to uphold the "take the log out of your own eye before removing the splinter out of some else's" credo, but I felt like making my feelings known. I agree that there are different levels of lies. In general, however, I do my best to at all times tell the truth. And there are times when I take into account someone's feelings in a matter, as in your example of the ugly kid, and lie. I don't know why, but the way DV presented his post bothered me. I know I said that I would leave politics out of it, but obviously I couldn't, and that must be why it bothered me. I apologize for offending anyone with my viewpoint. Hence the "/soapbox" disclaimer.

DV, I know that I said earlier that I would stay out of the political threads, but this bothers me on several levels. Yes, I am an Obama supporter, but I am going to leave politics out of this. As engineers, we supposedly have a code of ethics. While I understand that this does not legally do so, I would hope that engineers would exercise the same ethics in their personal lives. Also, as a Christian (which you have stated that you are), lying is against the moral and ethical standards of our shared faith. Deliberately misleading, as you stated you did above, is not very Christ-like, which I would hope all Christians aspire to be. In my area of the country, there has been vandalism of political signs of both parties, as well as political offices (rocks and concrete planters through windows). I am extremely disturbed by this sort of behavior, and am just ready for the election to be over. DV, I'm not perfect either, but blantantly misleading on a poll (yes, I know it is trivial) is not something that I would do. I now continue my silence in the political threads.

I hope you are equally outraged over the thousands of phony voter registrations. Somehow that seems a little more serious than joking (or lying if you prefer) with a person on a poll,
Benbo just said what I was going to say.

As far as the Christian guilt trip, how bout I throw a better one at you. I mislead a pollster hoping for economic gain in my area, OK. You are supporting a candidate who strongly supports abortions, and more specifically late term abortions. Go check your Christian credentials at the door. Or as you stated, stay out of the political discussions.

Benbo just said what I was going to say.

As far as the Christian guilt trip, how bout I throw a better one at you. I mislead a pollster hoping for economic gain in my area, OK. You are supporting a candidate who strongly supports abortions, and more specifically late term abortions. Go check your Christian credentials at the door. Or as you stated, stay out of the political discussions.

Kang: Abortions for all.

[crowd boos]

Kang: Very well, no abortions for anyone.

[crowd boos]

Kang: Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

[crowd cheers and waves miniature flags]

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I'll finish the sentence...a lie. And that would make me a liar, benbo.
No big deal. You have as much right as anybody to your opinion obviously.

Actually I wouldn't call what you did a lie by my definition. I would just say you changed your mind. I was just making a point that there are different levels of mistruth, which I see you agree with.

Just a Tit for a Tat.

As long as you know I still love ya FLBuff. :D

Thick skin required in these threads.
Childish response on my part, and I apologize. I was acting like a little kid, who feels he is being picked on. I went home and cried it out, but I'm back. I apparently have thinner skin than I thought. Speaking of Tits for Tats, how bout that wedding dress in another thread?

But now that I'm here, I will change my mind (in the words of benbo), and debate a little. Obama does not support abortion, he supports the right of a woman to have the choice to have one. From Wikipedia (not the most reliable source, but oft quoted on this board):

Abortion and contraception

In his write-in response to a 1998 survey, Obama stated his abortion position as: "Abortions should be legally available in accordance with Roe v. Wade."[190]

While serving in the Illinois Senate, Obama received a 100 percent rating from the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council[191] for his support of abortion rights.[192] Since his election to the United States Senate Obama has maintained a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood (as of 2007) and NARAL (as of 2005).[193] Obama opposed the Induced Infant Liability Act.[194] Obama is reported to have opposed it because of technical language that might have interfered with a woman's right to choose and because Illinois law already required medical care in such situations, even though the third version of this bill contained explicit language affirming Roe vs. Wade.[195]

Obama voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, saying "On an issue like partial birth abortion, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions. I have said so repeatedly. All I've said is we should have a provision to protect the health of the mother, and many of the bills that came before me didn't have that."[196] Obama voted against a bill that made it a federal crime for anyone other than a parent to accompany a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion.[197] The bill was signed into law by President Bush in 2005. Obama has, however, expressed support of bans on late-term abortions, provided they include exemptions for the life or health of a mother.[198]

Obama voted for a $100 million education initiative to reduce teen pregnancy and provide contraceptives to young people.[196]

One thing that I find curious about the Republican Party is that the party is for less government, but wants to tell a woman what they can and can't do with their body.
