P-E's Beer Club

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My dog never tries to humps people's legs. It's always smaller dogs.

On bedtime duty. I'd hump someone's leg for a beer about now.

Was at a micro-brewery for dinner over labor day weekend. It's not very often I send a beer back, but their hefeweizen tasted rancid.

Yuengling is my favorite cheap beer, but gives me a wicked hangover.

Been sipping on Shiva IPA and Catawba Pale Ale. Good stuff, especially the latter.

Trying a bunch of local beer tonight and a lot of Trillium. See you in the DT.

A friend from VT is bringing me a case of Heady Topper in a week or so. I'm getting thirsty.

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We went out to a local brew house last Friday, sadly they had some old band of aging hippies playing, im not sure why people(brew house owners) think anyone really wants to listen to some stoned out cover band while their customers have to yell at each other to have a conversation while trying to enjoy a beer...usually a great place but wont be back on a friday...


I offered to tip them $20 if they would take a 30 minute break...


Tonight is an Anderson Valley Hop Ottin' IPA night.


Stopped at a bar in VT called Quary. Was able to taste heady topper and focal banger side by side. Pure heaven.

The best place to drink from a boot is a German bar or restaurant.
