October 2020 Exams

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Any fire to the Philadelphia PE Exam cancellation rumor smoke on the PE_Exam subreddit posted yesterday night?

Hi Guys,

My exam was scheduled in Sacramento, CA, but when it cancelled it was moved to Reno Site 1, but when I click on the Reno Site 1 it shows it will be in Las Vegas. So Reno and Las Vegas is'nt different?

Reno is like 2 hours far from but Las Vegas is 8 hours or more? 

Any idea who are scheduled for this site?

Is it really in Reno or Las Vegas???


Any fire to the Philadelphia PE Exam cancellation rumor smoke on the PE_Exam subreddit posted yesterday night?
Seems plausible. Were you registered in Philly? You might want to check your NCEES dashboard to see what location they have you at.

And OOC was it actually Philly or Ft. Washington?  

Hi Guys,

My exam was scheduled in Sacramento, CA, but when it cancelled it was moved to Reno Site 1, but when I click on the Reno Site 1 it shows it will be in Las Vegas. So Reno and Las Vegas is'nt different?

Reno is like 2 hours far from but Las Vegas is 8 hours or more? 

Any idea who are scheduled for this site?

Is it really in Reno or Las Vegas???

Check your NCEES dashboard and confirm the location there. As you pointed out Reno vs Las Vegas isn't arbitrary, especially when you were supposed to take it in Sacremento! An eight hour trip is not reasonable. They might as well make you fly to the east coast to take the exam if they're going to make you travel that far! 

Seems plausible. Were you registered in Philly? You might want to check your NCEES dashboard to see what location they have you at.

And OOC was it actually Philly or Ft. Washington? 
I registered for the Pittsburgh area exam, which remains as an active registration in my dashboard. Beats me on where the the actual exam location is, was, or could have been. The paper test is only offered in three locations across Pennsylvania which were only vaguely identified as "areas."

My concern is that the rug could be pulled out from us at any moment without any warning. I understand the circumstances around a cancellation, but if this did truly happen I would appreciate some transparency from the state board, NCEES, or whoever was responsible for the cancellation and some assurance that they are doing whatever they can to offer the test in the other areas (or worst case, an admission that this could happen to the the other exam locations).

Since the April exam was canceled 5 weeks before the exam date, is anyone else getting nervous as we approach Friday? I'm trying to stay focused on studying but I keep getting anxious that I'll get another devastating email.

To open the books tonight or not...

September 16, 2020 COVID19 update from NCEES

September 16, 2020

NCEES is closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on the October 2020 pencil-and-paper exam administration. All exam site locations are currently proceeding with reduced capacity restrictions in place. Changes to state and local requirements that further reduce capacities for groups and events may impact the number of examinees that are able to test at a specific site. NCEES will continue to monitor these changes between now and exam day. As noted during the exam registration process, any changes in capacity restrictions for an exam site may result in the cancellation of an examinee’s registration.

Only California has canceled so far eh o_O
Clarification:  California hasn't canceled.  The social distancing requirements currently in place prohibit large gatherings of people and with the exception of the Central Valley location, NCEES adjusted and found suitable arrangements In Reno and Las Vegas for candidates residing in California.  Also, the January regional civil alternate date.  The Central Valley location in Visalia is still a go at this time since the number of examinees is lower.

Exam Authorizations will be available two weeks prior to exam day.

Above the message from My-NCEES Dashboard. 

Please inform if you receive any letter, E-mail confirmation ! I am waiting .


Exams for PE New York State will be held at two different hotels by NEWARK Airport NJ, I received the confirmation letter last week. Good luck everybody !


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