Fitness Thread

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Completed my slowest half ever! But considering I was in the ER on May 3, I'll try to be happy that I still could complete the half. 
Mad props.  Even when pneumonia goes away, I usually find myself way down on energy/performance for several weeks after coming off antibiotics.

as long as you got the shirt!!!!!


So no bolder bolder Monday?  I wanted to take another pic and see if Krak still thinks I am 3'9"


as long as you got the shirt!!!!!


So no bolder bolder Monday?  I wanted to take another pic and see if Krak still thinks I am 3'9"
I will be there, but I'm in the PE wave this year with my family, putting me in the stadium sometime around 11. Do you want to wait that long? 

Ive run a max 3 miles in the last 3 months so I don't know where we will be - just me and the daughter again - Ill have my phone on you and we can play it by ear!

wel I meant to say I'll have my phone on me, but with CSB is a better option ;)

Jeb is that your weight loss chart? That's F'n awesome! 

It is. I was doing it in some keto app, but I figured I’d put it in something a little more convenient/easier to see.  Had a checkup on Monday and my BP is down about 30 points too.

i need to start using the Bowflex or break out the couch-2-5k and get rid of some of those plateaus. 

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Any specific exercise or eating program other than keto?  that's pretty impressive!

So in the don't knock it until you try  it category i got suckered into trying a yoga class. I just figured this would be a good stretching class with some eye candy thrown in.  I cant really explain the class but I basically  just laid on the mats and cried for an hour, strangest pain I have ever felt.   Apparently being able to bench 225 and squat 315 doesn't do much for holding your body weight off the ground with one hand, hell even two hands...

If you like being humbled try it out! (I probably wont go back) lol

I sweat more in P90X's Yoga workout than any other workout.  Ironically, it's probably the most intense workout, as well.

If you want a relaxing yoga class, make sure it has "Hatha", "you", or "restorative" in the name or description. If it says "power" or "vinyasa", you can bet on it keeping your heart rate up and being pretty active with a variable level of difficulty depending on the specific class.

Sounds like you weren't doing a beginner class, RG... Was the two handed pose called crow pose? I can't do that, but I've also never really trained up to try it.

Any specific exercise or eating program other than keto?  that's pretty impressive!
That is really nothing but keto at the moment.  The only thing I'm doing that resembles exercise is a karate class.  The boys are doing it and it doesn't cost any extra for additional family members once you're up to 2 so I figured I'd do it with them.  Still, it's usually only 2 or 3 times per week and it's not like it's terribly strenuous.

Last time I weighed this much it was by shear brute force...I was overseas so I could go to the gym every day and I was running almost every morning.  Even after I came home I was running about 3 miles every morning and doing 5 to 10 miles on Saturdays.  That's why I'm thinking I need to start adding some of that back in and see what happens.
