Erection day

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My voting experience was uneventful. Got there, found my ward and precint, waited 30 seconds for the line (one person in front of me), got my ballot, did my duty. Total time: approximately 5 minutes.
That's about how it was for us. The polls had been open for about an hour when we got there. I was the 92nd person to vote.

My elementary school is still where my paents vote. We always had that day off.
My mom is an election judge for their precinct. It is in the elementary school I went to, always has been. We never got the day off and neither did the kids today. Although it is in a hallway with it's own entryway that is segregated from the rest of the school and voters aren't allowed out of the hallway

Here's a list of the presidential candidates on the Colorado ballot:

John McCain - Republican

Barack Obama - Democrat

Chuck Baldwin - Constitution

Bob Barr - Libertarian

Cynthia McKinney - Green

Jonathan E. Allen - HeartQuake ‘08

Gene C. Amondson - Prohibition

James Harris - Socialist Workers

Charles Jay - Boston Tea

Alan Keyes - America’s Independent

Gloria La Riva - Socialism and Liberation

Bradford Lyttle - U.S. Pacifist

Frank Edward McEnulty - Unaffiliated

Brian Moore - Socialist USA

Ralph Nader - Unaffiliated

Thomas Robert Stevens - Objectivist

If anyone votes for Gene C. Amondson, there's gonna be a riot in here! (Just so that I am not accused of intimidation, that was a joke. I would never hurt anyone for voting one way or the other.)


We only had the Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, US Taxpayers (aka Constitution), Green and Natural Law (Nader) parties.

JR, we fully expect a report on your, uh, erection nite festivities -

No real story for me.

I left work a bit early and didn't wait at all to vote.

MN polls are now closed and I see that Obama is being forcasted to win. (Big surprise)

The big news is that Ohio is being forcasted to go for Obama. :eek:hmy:

I'm dying to see where NC, VA, FL, and IN fall in. They are all 80-90% reported at this point and very close. Plus we should get more of those top of the hour obvious projections.

I'm watching the coverage at Grant Park in Chicago with the pundits talking about the race riots that occurred there in 1968. Feels like a profound moment for Obama to give his victory speech there.

People were booing during the concession speech? If that isn't indicative of the type of campaign McCain ran, I don't know what is...

I loved McCain's concession speech - that was the McCain that I thought I knew.

I was disappointed by the booing, too. I hope that stuff stops.
