EB Mafia

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In seriousness, Mrs. Cheb and I don't usually address each other by name unless 1) we are displeased about something, or 2) "we need to talk".
We call each other "mommy" and "daddy"...of course that's when Mini-Me is around, which is most of the time. If we did that when he was away that would probably be weird.
Is her name Meghan? Or are you just throwing out a different name to be an @$$?

No, I'm not that evil lol. We just do the same thing Chebs said, we hardly ever actually call each other by our names directly, so I guess, yes, I do it to be an ass, but in a good way lol.
I call my husband "babe" and one time I was out grocery shopping with my mom on one rare occasion (the only person I typically ever grocery shop with is my husband) and my mom said something but I was distracted and looking at something on a shelf so I said "what babe?" to her just out of habit. And it was really weird but we laughed.