EB Mafia

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This is very simple.

Most likely: We kill @MeowMeow and they are mafia. Then @RBHeadge PE is the Cassandra.
Less likely: We kill @MeowMeow and they are no mafia. Then @RBHeadge PE has revealed himself as mafia and we kill him.

That is not a good sacrifice play since each mafia is more valuable than each townie (e.g. we have to kill 4 mafia to win, but they have to kill at least 12 townies to win). A one for one trade is a bad play. I know @RBHeadge PE is analytical enough to understand that.

I'd like to ask the doctor to protect @RBHeadge PE from the mafia tonight. And if he turns out to be right, then continue protecting him.
This post is really thorough and detail.. I think you know too much. SUSS!!! 🔪 🔪

Day 1: First person to vote was @structurenole15, who voted for me. For reference, I was the 7th person to vote. I voted for @squaretaper LIT AF PE to tie the votes at 3 each in attempt for self-preservation, as I stated when I voted.

Day 2: First person to vote was you, at around 5:30am.
Sorry mate, I need to get my head checked out if you're actually correct..
Current vote:

x1 @DuranDuran PE (civilPE)
x1 @djl PE (becca)
x7 @MeowMeow (RBH, eyeh8, duran, structurenoel [you need to get a nickname], nik, txj, JP)
x1 @RBHeadge PE (meowmeow)

Ghost votes of no consequence (much like the voter):
x1 @DuranDuran PE (square)

Ghost votes with minor consequence (a small glass filled with water is knocked over):
x1 @djl PE (chebs)
@JayKay PE I'm also voting for @DuranDuran PE . My reason is kinda lame, I think he was the first person to vote... Why would you be so quick to vote someone out so quick in the game? It's kinda sus.. idk...
You already voted for Duran. Your vote will not be double-counted.
This post is really thorough and detail.. I think you know too much. SUSS!!! 🔪 🔪
Nope. I just know what I'm doing a lil bit. :)

Also I made a mistake. There are 16 players. I'm assuming 4 mafia and 12 townies. So the town has to kill all 4 mafia to win. The mafia only need a majority, so they have to kill at least 9 townies to win. Not 12. Oops.

But I also expect to be dead soon so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ feel free to be suspicious of me.
Doing a lot of catching up after doing some pretty sweet drone work if I say so myself- but of what I've read, I agree with @beccabun PE and @jean15paul_PE logic.. I think there is a lot to learn tonight, but I have no reason to believe that @RBHeadge PE would do what he did if he wasn't sure meow was mafia. And I have big reasons why he wouldn't do the contrary - he ain't dumb. SO I feel its very safe to vote for what seems to be a dead lock mafia.
@JayKay PE meow meow meow @MeowMeow
Translation for meow meow meow (I vote for)
Current vote:

x1 @DuranDuran PE (civilPE)
x1 @djl PE (becca)
x8 @MeowMeow (RBH, eyeh8, duran, nono, nik, txj, JP, djl)
x1 @RBHeadge PE (meowmeow)

Ghost votes of no consequence (much like the voter):
x1 @DuranDuran PE (square)

Ghost votes with minor consequence (a picture frame on the wall rattles):
x1 @djl PE (chebs)
You're the only one that voted for Cheby, after they voted for Duran, and then Cheby was killed by mafia.
I voted for Cheb to be safe coz I always vote important people out on the first day unknowingly.... so I wanted to vote for someone who just gets a single vote.... if I have people pile votes on Cheb I would have changed mine.... no other reason..
well this is some reasoning I can be on board with.... Why mafia would do a sacrifice like that... @JayKay PE I vote for @MeowMeow ... and I hope we are right.
This is very simple.

Most likely: We kill @MeowMeow and they are mafia. Then @RBHeadge PE is the Cassandra.
Less likely: We kill @MeowMeow and they are no mafia. Then @RBHeadge PE has revealed himself as mafia and we kill him.

That is not a good sacrifice play since each mafia is more valuable than each townie (e.g. we have to kill 4 mafia to win, but they have to kill at least 12 9 townies to win). A one for one trade is a bad play. I know @RBHeadge PE is analytical enough to understand that.

I'd like to ask the doctor to protect @RBHeadge PE from the mafia tonight. And if he turns out to be right, then continue protecting him.

edit to correct my
Doing a lot of catching up after doing some pretty sweet drone work if I say so myself- but of what I've read, I agree with @beccabun PE and @jean15paul_PE logic.. I think there is a lot to learn tonight, but I have no reason to believe that @RBHeadge PE would do what he did if he wasn't sure meow was mafia. And I have big reasons why he wouldn't do the contrary - he ain't dumb. SO I feel its very safe to vote for what seems to be a dead lock mafia.
@JayKay PE meow meow meow @MeowMeow
Translation for meow meow meow (I vote for)
It would be highly uncharacteristic of RBH to flat out lie. He has mislead a bit when he was mafia before but not a bold faced, line in the sand lie. And the fact that no one else has come out and made a declaration- which they'd have to do or be eliminated- proves to me RBH is telling the truth.

But what do I know, I'm just a rusty townie that hasn't played in like 6 months.