EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Current vote:

x1 @DuranDuran PE (civilPE)
x1 @djl PE (becca)
x9 @MeowMeow (RBH, eyeh8, duran, nono, nik, txj, JP, djl, flange)
x1 @RBHeadge PE (meowmeow)

Ghost votes of no consequence (much like the voter):
x1 @DuranDuran PE (square)

Ghost votes with minor consequence (a cat stares at a corner of the room for a disturbingly long time):
x1 @djl PE (chebs)
Well I suppose it has been fun for the short while it lasted. I'd say it was nice knowing you guys.... but you're killing me sooo.... 😝 just my luck!
Sorry, it wasn't my intention to knock out a rookie on day 2. Really it wasn't, but my role is to take out the mafia so ...

Anyway, we hope you'll play again next round!
I don't know how people with more than 2 kids keep up, much less more than 1. I would probably look at one and say, "What's your name again?" Or just name them, "1 of 4", "2 of 4", etc..
I was never bad with names until I had 2+ kids. I can barely remember my own kid's names correctly most days, much less new people I haven't met before.