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I just bought a 2-bike bike carrier from HF for $40 - 20% = $32! I hope it works out ok. $32 is scary cheap. I assembled it and put it on my car and hooked in my bike. Seems ok. But I have not driven anywhere yet. I couldn't tell the difference between Item # 98109 and Item # 60623 but went with the 98109 for no other reason than it had black bolts, not silver.

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Just called Dick's back after harassing them earlier today. Bike is ready. Had to replace the cable and remove/replace/readjust the front deraileur, but he cycled through the gears on the stand and said its working. Going to pick it up tonight.

Ride it around the parking lot before you leave the store, to ensure that they fixed it correctly.
I agree. The gears may shift differently under load vs. on the stand.

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Haven't had a chance to ride it yet. If it craps out again under load, they'll be repairing it, along with the glass store front, since that's how they'll be receiving it.

Need to order a bike helmet this week. Need to ride at night around the neighborhood (only time its cool enough), but refuse to do so without a helmet. Just can't trust the cars around here.

Helmet? :huh:

Weren't you a kid of the 80's? We always did crazy things with our BMX bikes and I never remember seeing any helmets. LOL


My coworker's son (in his 20s) fell off his bike, hit his head and died from the brain trauma.

Helmet? :huh:

Weren't you a kid of the 80's? We always did crazy things with our BMX bikes and I never remember seeing any helmets. LOL


I know. I was one of those kids! However, I am considerably fatter and less coordinated in my late 20's.

^ and now we all have obligations and responsibilities so we can't go around getting carelessly injured like the good 'ole days. :eek:ldman:

^ and now we all have obligations and responsibilities so we can't go around getting carelessly injured like the good 'ole days. :eek:ldman:

No kidding. It's amazing I never suffered any bones as a kid except a broken nose (baseball to the face), and some cracked ribs. I remember doing a bike jump off the biggest mound of dirt imaginable when they were doing construction at the YMCA down the street. Bent both pedals, twisted the front fork like a pretzel, and cracked the head tube weld on my Haro FST. I looked like I had been hit by a bus, but was otherwise fine. Ah, those were the days...


Just got back from a weeklong bike trip. 400+ miles (the route was 412, but I haven't downloaded GPS data yet and historically I rode further than their maps) and it was a good time.

When are we hitting RAGBRAI? VTE was going to be our sag support, so someone else will need to come and tell filthy jokes and scout out beer.

If your head hits a tree doing 20+ mph it doesn't care if it's on a motorcycle or a bicycle, it's going to get broken without a helmet.

LOL, I still have yet to wear a helmet for mountain biking. :p

Though I always wear one on the "big" bike. ;)

You've spent how much on education?

Hell, the helmet keeps the tree branches from scalping me, never mind during wrecks. Why on earth would you not wear a helmet mountain biking? You practice more safety with your internet than you do your body? :blink:
