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18", which would be on the big side for me.

Calling CSB!

DAMMIT! Why do you guys always say these things when I'm out?!

I'm so happy your bought a bike! You should be able to at least adjust the amount of play on the shocks. Plus, now I want to know, how tall are you? Are you taller than EG?

Looks like there is a little blue lever on the top surface of one of the forks. If you turn that lever, it should lock out the shocks.

Those are on the next two "upgrades" in the SR series. Mine has a preload adjustment only.

18", which would be on the big side for me.

Calling CSB!

DAMMIT! Why do you guys always say these things when I'm out?!

I'm so happy your bought a bike! You should be able to at least adjust the amount of play on the shocks. Plus, now I want to know, how tall are you? Are you taller than EG?

Preload adjustment is there, but doesn't do much it appears. If I were less than 200 lbs, maybe.

I am a towering 5'7", but my inseam is only about 29" or so.

18", which would be on the big side for me.

Calling CSB!

DAMMIT! Why do you guys always say these things when I'm out?!

I'm so happy your bought a bike! You should be able to at least adjust the amount of play on the shocks. Plus, now I want to know, how tall are you? Are you taller than EG?

I have met 4 people who I am taller than, thank you very much.

So, my husband FINALLY bought the shoes I gave him money for as a Christmas present about two weeks ago and nope, couldn't clip in. The shoes came with pedals so we decided to swap them out so he could at least ride while I research and order different little things (same basic shape and screw configuration but the cleat was more rounded or something). Could you believe that we didn't have the right allen wrench? Right now he has the heavier cheaper pedals on the bike-but those work with the shoes he picked out on it.

SUPE- your Dicks story reminds me of a story from a long time ago..

Back when I only had one kid, the wife and I bought a pair of bikes from Sports Authority (maybe $150 each) we used to put our little kid on the back of the bike in one of those carriers attached to the bike seat and go ride the silver comet trail (old RR line converted to a trail)..

First time out the wife had the kid on her bike and next to the trail were some little “off road adventures” trails (dirt mounts maybe 4 feet tall) – so being an adventurous lad I hit the dirt mound and when I peddled a little harder going “up hill” the entire (thing that holds the pedal to the thing that makes the chain go around) sheared off..LOL

Took the bike back to Sports Authority where they replaced / repaired the broken parts and then the guy said “ these look like mountain bikes but keep them on the pavement”

Well, 25 FEET into my first ride the bike failed to shift. Noticed that the front derailleur cable was loose both at the shift lever, and not seated properly at the derailleur itself. Took it back to Dick's, kid threw it up said it should be a quick fix, then said nope, whole thing did not appear to be installed properly and would need to come off. Then asked if I had bought the warranty (I did not). Said I bought it two days ago, and he said "I'll note that on here and they shouldn't charge you for it." Told him that was a good thing, because they were out of their f*cking minds if they thought I was paying extra for a bike they couldn't figure out how to put together.

No idea when I'll have it back. I think its an omen that I don't belong on a piece of exercise equipment.

I'm going to set Dick's on fire when I leave the place next time.

If they try to charge you, and yelling at them doesn't work, don't give them the money to fix it. Take it to the local bike shop and pay them to fix the problem and check for others. You didn't even get far enough to check whether the brakes work properly or that the tires are properly attached to the bike.

I'm going to set Dick's on fire when I leave the place next time.


If they try to charge you, and yelling at them doesn't work, don't give them the money to fix it. Take it to the local bike shop and pay them to fix the problem and check for others. You didn't even get far enough to check whether the brakes work properly or that the tires are properly attached to the bike.

I'm not giving them any money, and may end up taking it to a bike shop, even if they DO fix it.

If they try to charge you, and yelling at them doesn't work, don't give them the money to fix it. Take it to the local bike shop and pay them to fix the problem and check for others. You didn't even get far enough to check whether the brakes work properly or that the tires are properly attached to the bike.
I'm not giving them any money, and may end up taking it to a bike shop, even if they DO fix it.
That sucks. Yeah, burn the place.

No kidding. This was like the Titanic sinking before it was even out of the port.

I prefer the smaller local shops over Dicks and REI. The bigger the zoo, the more monkeys working there.

Got a new bike end of last season. Only rode it a few times. When does it need its first tune up?

Dang! I'm really sorry to hear this.

FWIW, I bought my bike from my local bike shop, which I love. When I went in to pick it up, they had added a bike rack for free. I hopped on and rode off and got about a block when I noticed I couldn't really backpedal. It was super weird. I made it home, but things still weren't quite right. Brought it back down and it turns out one of the bolts from the rack was sticking out just enough to snag the chain in certain slack conditions. They apologized and fixed it really quickly.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that expensive bike shops screw things up too (don't even get me started on the other bike shop in town that assembled my bike wrong and then charged me for the replacement part). As long as you aren't in jail for burning down Dick's, you'll get a ride in.

Also, if your Dick's is on fire, you might want to consult a doctor.

I prefer the smaller local shops over Dicks and REI. The bigger the zoo, the more monkeys working there.

Got a new bike end of last season. Only rode it a few times. When does it need its first tune up?
P-E, my understanding is that the cables will stretch a bit more with a new bike and will need to be tuned sooner.


But, if it's shifting fine, you might not have to worry about it. If you're planning a big trip, you should have it tuned anyway.

Edit 2:

Or, tune it yourself: http://www.amazon.com/Zinn-Art-Mountain-Bike-Maintenance/dp/1934030597/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1433167535&sr=8-2&keywords=the+art+of+bicycle+maintenance


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Dang! I'm really sorry to hear this.

FWIW, I bought my bike from my local bike shop, which I love. When I went in to pick it up, they had added a bike rack for free. I hopped on and rode off and got about a block when I noticed I couldn't really backpedal. It was super weird. I made it home, but things still weren't quite right. Brought it back down and it turns out one of the bolts from the rack was sticking out just enough to snag the chain in certain slack conditions. They apologized and fixed it really quickly.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that expensive bike shops screw things up too (don't even get me started on the other bike shop in town that assembled my bike wrong and then charged me for the replacement part). As long as you aren't in jail for burning down Dick's, you'll get a ride in.

Also, if your Dick's is on fire, you might want to consult a doctor.

Dr. Love?
