Capt Worley PE
Run silent, run deep
The Award, Spaceman.

D-man...You have to check your genealogy tree. I am pretty sure you will find that Picasso is a relative of yours.Here's a little drawing I did for the logo of our "Hash House Harriers" running club newsletter. Every year we make a new logo to go along with whatever the Chinese year is. This is obviously the Year of the Rat.
I totally cheated on this drawing - I just traced an image of Rattatouille in Microsoft Word (but added in the beer can!), then pasted it into MS Paint for this forum. On Word, shrunken down to postage-stamp size, he actually looks pretty good!
Oh well. That is more than I can do anyways.Umm, did you guys miss the part where I said I traced the image? It's a great way to cheat - just find a jpeg of whatever it is you want to draw, insert it into your Word document, then trace over the image. The only skills involved are knowing how to pick the colors and using special color tricks like gradients, as above. That, and keeping track of your "layers". The "move to fron/back" and "group" buttons quickly become your best friend.
Just like Ratatouille says, "Anyone Can Draw!"
I disagree, especially if I'm trying to use something like MS paint. Even if I were tracing something, mine would look like some thing done by a spastic three year old. You have a gift Dleg.Just like Ratatouille says, "Anyone Can Draw!"
Why do you think I haven't finished my grad project ??!!! It's the temptation !!! :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:I actually have some serious work to do today. Don't tempt me!