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Yeah, I guess I should have put the POV-helmet cam on the squirrel.

^And he's got his squirrel-teeth on.

I have to thank Captain Worley for reviving this thread, and congratulate him and Wovlerine on three of the funniest things I have seen for a while with those squirrel pictures.

I noticed that most of the links to my old paintbrush's were dead, so I went back and just loaded them directly here. This is a classic thread, and I feel ready to get it going again! I hope some of the new members tart adding their masterpieces, as well.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I still haven't figured out how to insert images in paint, like Wolverine does. Any linkies?

I plan on at least one new squirrel today.

I noticed that most of the links to my old paintbrush's were dead, so I went back and just loaded them directly here.
I saw a lot of attachments removed, too. Might want to try putting them on tinypic. Its free, no registration, and unblocked.

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I present Frenchy the Squirrel


Because we all know they're better in Europe, and even better in France.

That base picture has some serious AC Slater potential.....

Nice work again, Capt.

YOu know VT, I've heard that google search is sooo smart it'll start to cater to your previous tendencies in searches to help you get to a more specific result - the more you search, the more it finds things you're interested in...

^^^ What's up with that Frenchie crrap? You can't even read it. It's like it's in some fer'ign language or something. And wtf is a "Rechercher"?

I'm unable to post a PB today due to the overwhelming awesomeness of Reverse CowSquirrel. ASMP.

And Captain, I can't figure out how to do the opposite - post the pic straight up, without embedding a PB. It has to be posted at a freesharing site first right? To upload a PB, I just attach it using the attach-feature window I see directly below this "reply" window I'm typing in right now. Is that not a universal feature? There's also a "manage current attachments" bar once you upload that embeds the PB in the text.

I save the pic to my hard drive, then go to tinypic and upload the image from the hard drive. then I copy and past the link for use on forums and message boards.

I do all the drawings in MS Paint, but can't figure out how to combine two pics. Guess I could google it or use F(renchy)L(anguage)Buff's link.
