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This belongs in the Pitter Patter thread, but is relevant to Dlegs drawing:

New Dads: advice - after the baby comes out and you cut the cord, look away. They usually carry the baby over to a tray. Follow the baby. Do NOT look back over your shoulder to see what the Dr. is doing. He's taking care of what comes next, and you do NOT want to know what that is. Like the man said, some things cannot be un-seen.

^That's what I'm talking about. And, the blood spatters were from cutting the cord, although my shoes and pants also were splattered by the things you don't want to look back at.

Damn .. we have created a monster !! :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:

Very nice !!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:


BUWAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!! Those were great!


I had to make an addition...

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HFS, that's good!

And now for my submission: Sherman VS Tiger

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I call this: Why FLBuff Needs a Snowblower

No, I did not leave it blank. That is all snow. I am buried somewhere in there shoveling!

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