I've had my initial dentist appointment cancelled due to the local municipality lock down order. When the dentist was able to reopen, they called and gave me the run down of what was expected to have the appointment, so I scheduled my overdue cleaning in early June.
Arrived 15 minutes early, called the front desk to let them know I was there and waited in the truck until they were ready for me. They called when it was time to enter and I was told to come up the stairs (NOT to use the elevator). Everyone was required to wear a face covering; dental hygienists had 7mil gloves (which were changed prior to starting the cleaning), surgical style mask AND face shield. Front desk was off limits, you had to stay 10' away from the desk at all times. Upon entry, they took my temperature, had me review their questions and answer yes/no to if I was showing ANY symptoms related to COVID or other illness, used a finger tip style oxygen sensor and took my blood pressure before I entered the lobby. Prior to climbing into the chair, had to take off my mask, wash my hands, complete a peroxide rinse (had to spit back into the cup, then pour it into the sink), then wash hands again. I brought my own dark sunglasses, which they appreciated. Sonic cleaning or any activities that produced aerosol were avoided, so it was back to the old school scrapers & picks.
The dentist had similar PPE to the hygienists and washed his hands before getting a new set of gloves before the exam and washed his hands again before leaving the room.
Upon completion, put on my mask, wash my hands again, then leave via the elevator as the stairwell to come up was not large enough to have two people to pass by while maintaining proper "social" distancing.
If your local dentist is taking the necessary precautions, it's easy enough to complete your exam / cleaning and still keep everyone relatively safe.