One foot in the fourth and one in the fifth? Miserly mixed with being sullen about it.Sounds like the fourth?Which level of Dante's Hell is that?
Unless you can provide some kind of credible evidence otherwise, I’m calling this BS. The info I’m seeing say that 17-29% (depending on which study you want to use) of the people with severe illness developed lung damage. Only 6% develop the severe illness. So, only 6% will develop serious issues and of that 6%, 17% will have lasting (not permanent) lung damage that could take months or years to heal.One of the devious things about this virus, is that man people look at the fatality rate and age distribution and assume that they'll be fine. What isn't being reported well is that a significant portion of population (10-20%), regardless of age, are incurring serious permanent damage to their lungs.
This is the thing that scares me the most.For example, loss of lung function in those who fully recover (though this may be those who got seriously ill, and recovered)
I know this has something to with with respiratory health and that the regular ratio of PaO2/FiO2 should be like 500? Which means <100 is ulllltra bad. Other then that...No clue what this means, but keep this in mind when people try and give you advice....
Either way... should stay home.I took "snottty" to mean "uppity" "rude" not a nose full of snot
Working yes... at work no.I'm not sure how many are still at work or not, but this is ****:
In a minuscule portion of the population who have pre-existing medical issues? Sure, whatever. Just like the flu does and has been doing for eons. People passing around misinformation are the reason morons are out buying toilet paper by the pallet.So you acknowledge that lasting lung damage associated with this virus is real?