2019 Novel Coronavirus

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I really think that what this 2 week work shut down is for, to prepare for the inevitable loss of some people who are very sick already.  That is just me reading between the lines of what is happening at the hospital the wife works at..  They & most others hospitals have stopped all elective surgery &  non life or limb threatening patients and they are converting normal rooms to ones that can handle respiratory issues.  And yes converting a floor to a very large hospice type unit.

I just think it's funny that they think carryout/delivery only are going to do anything because you're not really eliminating any hands in the pot...at most, you might avoid the server if you're picking it up, but all you're doing is substituting the delivery person if you get it delivered.  I suppose you wouldn't be sitting around other people, but bars/restaurants around here had already been spreading tables apart when the first cases showed up in Ohio.
Yeah, it's about the people in the restaurants together. Not about let people providing you food.

Dang, we were having groceries delivered today and they're out of everything! The dude sent us a picture of the meat section and there is zero meat of anything (not even breakfast sausage). Also no bread, no frozen meats, no yogurt, no cereal, heck even the spicy cheez its!

Coach Sean Payton has tested positive for the Virus - at least thing thing doesnt appear to be very picky (rich, poor, famous, regular joe etc)

Yeah, It's hitting New Orleans HARD right now. I'm pretty sure that our numbers are growing faster than any other US city (if not #1, we're close to the top). I suspect that I lot of transmission happened during Mardi Gras celebrations (which was ~2 weeks before the outbreak became obvious here in the US), and gave us a major head start. No proof of that theory though, but the timeline lines up.

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Maybe this is just nature's way of combating our overpopulation and maintaining balance.

We thought we could extend our lifespans and save people from dying with modern medicine, but now we see how overpopulation can lead to a virus spreading like wildfire.

Our own advancements will be our downfall.

This reads like mother nature / god / spaghetti lord / etc  is coming to square up the marvels of modern medicine that we have invented to keep the elderly and sick alive..


For those not in healthcare when they say "underlying health conditions" that typically means - already gravely ill  / heavy smoker / drinker / heavy drug use / etc
I definitely had this thought. Disease "ignores" the strong. (Although it remains to be seen that there won't be health effects to those who are asymptomatic/not don't get seriously ill). For example, loss of lung function in those who fully recover (though this may be those who got seriously ill, and recovered)

I like how IT is all, "Oh, there are lots of things you can do without VPN." Yeah, except, you know...access your work files on the network...which is KIND OF THE WHOLE POINT.
You CAN do lots of things without VPN, like watch Netflix, sleep, read books 🙂

I picked a bad time to quit smoking.

Ugh.  Boomer coworker is like, "I've had a little something in my throat, but it's not bad/I don't think it's serious." and then she got a little snotty when I was like, "If you're sick, you should stay at home.  What if there was someone immuno-compromised in the office?"

Jesus Christ.  I can't.
If she's snotty, she should def stay home.

Yeah, It's hitting New Orleans HARD right now. I'm pretty sure that our numbers are growing faster than any other US city (if not #1, we're close to the top). I suspect that I lot of transmission happened during Mardi Gras celebrations (which was ~2 weeks before the outbreak became obvious here in the US), and gave us a major head start. No proof of that theory though, but the timeline lines up.
see: Philadelphia Liberty Loan Parade.

I definitely had this thought. Disease "ignores" the strong. (Although it remains to be seen that there won't be health effects to those who are asymptomatic/not don't get seriously ill). For example, loss of lung function in those who fully recover (though this may be those who got seriously ill, and recovered)
One of the devious things about this virus, is that man people look at the fatality rate and age distribution and assume that they'll be fine. What isn't being reported well is that a significant portion of population (10-20%), regardless of age, are incurring serious permanent damage to their lungs.

If she's snotty, she should def stay home.
Runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing are NOT symptoms of covid-19. While they might be symptomatic of a cold, they may also be mundane seasonal allergies. Those of us with seasonal allergies know the difference and can still go to work without fear of harming others during simpler times. Right now though, those who can telework, should telework.

I definitely had this thought. Disease "ignores" the strong. (Although it remains to be seen that there won't be health effects to those who are asymptomatic/not don't get seriously ill). For example, loss of lung function in those who fully recover (though this may be those who got seriously ill, and recovered)

You CAN do lots of things without VPN, like watch Netflix, sleep, read books 🙂

If she's snotty, she should def stay home.
I took "snottty" to mean "uppity" "rude" not a nose full of snot

One of the devious things about this virus, is that man people look at the fatality rate and age distribution and assume that they'll be fine. What isn't being reported well is that a significant portion of population (10-20%), regardless of age, are incurring serious permanent damage to their lungs.
Exactly. This is the part that scares me.

Runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing are NOT symptoms of covid-19. While they might be symptomatic of a cold, they may also be mundane seasonal allergies. Those of us with seasonal allergies know the difference and can still go to work without fear of harming others during simpler times. Right now though, those who can telework, should telework.
Fair enough. It was half joking, playing on the double meaning of "snotty", Good job keeping unhelpful ******** off the shelves though. 🙂

If she's snotty, she should def stay home.
She is ultra snotty and is ultra disrespectful (barges into my office to tell me about her flights to Italy being cancelled, leaving, and not closing the door behind her, which happened multiple times in one day with me closing the door after her every time). 

it’s hell but I shall prevail!!! 

She is ultra snotty and is ultra disrespectful (barges into my office to tell me about her flights to Italy being cancelled, leaving, and not closing the door behind her, which happened multiple times in one day with me closing the door after her every time). 

it’s hell but I shall prevail!!! 
Which level of Dante's Hell is that? 
