2019 Novel Coronavirus

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Ugh.  Boomer coworker is like, "I've had a little something in my throat, but it's not bad/I don't think it's serious." and then she got a little snotty when I was like, "If you're sick, you should stay at home.  What if there was someone immuno-compromised in the office?"

Jesus Christ.  I can't.
Why is she getting snotty? She doesn't do any legit work anyway right?

I've had some pretty funny teleconferences with little toddlers rambling in the background and their parents having to mute the line so they could yell at their kids.
We have to keep a log of what we're doing at home. So I'm writing it like a diary entry. And Moo is my intern. 

My coworker was concerned about Moo drooling on my drawings that are for him. And I'm just like "1. she doesn't drool. 2. you're not getting the physical copies anytime soon so..."

I expect when my PM finally starts working from home, we'll have the screaming kids on the teleconferences since he doesn't have a great space to work at home.

^ translation please
Eating leeks and consuming stinging nettle supplements (root not extract) may have some benefit for warding off covid-19. You would have to consume raw, uncooked plant matter because lectins are destroyed via cooking (I guess the lectins in stinging nettle are heat resistant so maybe you could make tea with the leaves ?)... which also means smoking tobacco would have no benefit.  I suppose raw tobacco leaf would work too, but there are some other side effects there. Well, there are some notable side effects of nettle for that matter (see here: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-664/stinging-nettle). There are a number of stinging nettle root supplements.  I would probably stick to leeks, personally.


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So I have to eat raw leafs and wash my hands?
Eat raw leeks, supplement with nettle root, wash your hands, gargle with bleach, and inhale lysol aerosol fumes every five minutes and you should be golden.

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Jesus Christ. Maybe the military can just drop a MOAB on these party areas and sterlize them for the rest of us?


Jesus Christ, and my boomer co-workers are ordering Jimmy John's.  For delivery.

I just...I get that restaurants and fast food places are open.  But maybe you shouldn't be ordering/eating food that is prepped outside you home when a viral health pandemic is going on?  Maybe that's be being overly cautious, but the mouth is one of the main gateways for this thing and health workers are usually the first to get sick/be unable to take sick leave from work so they keep working.
I just think it's funny that they think carryout/delivery only are going to do anything because you're not really eliminating any hands in the pot...at most, you might avoid the server if you're picking it up, but all you're doing is substituting the delivery person if you get it delivered.  I suppose you wouldn't be sitting around other people, but bars/restaurants around here had already been spreading tables apart when the first cases showed up in Ohio.

gotta love those articles that sneak the word *possibility in there hoping most wont read it....
