2019 Novel Coronavirus

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Sorry for the double post, but does anyone think the US Senators that dumped stock will be prosecuted for trading on insider training?

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One thing I don't understand is why the number of potential infections in the US is expected to be so high, when in China the peak seems to have already occurred and the total is around 80,000.  There's an article on NY times, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/13/opinion/coronavirus-trump-response.html, that lets you adjust a chart to see the impact of early interventions and aggressive tactics to reduce the number of cases.  The lowest I can get the peak number is around 500,000, with 50,000 deaths.  (If you don't do anything this tool estimates about 100,000,000 people will get infected and 1,000,000 will die.)

Why would we expect to get so many more cases here than China did at the peak, when they have a lot more people and were caught off guard by this, while we've had time to get prepared?  What am I missing?

Obviously this tool makes some assumptions, and I know China has taken some drastic measures, but these numbers seem way off.
Great article @frazil! I hover around the intervention bar chart and adjusted the severity to aggressive intervention measure and the graph indicates infections roughly 466,000 between June and July. We are seeing this number right now globally roughly speaking.

First of all, don't listen to guys like me :) .

On China, my point of view is that China has controlled information on the outbreak, including information going in and out of the country. We'll see in the coming months  when our Chinese brothers and sisters return to normal business operation if there is a second wave increase of infected cases. As of the moment, there is no evidence to suggest  beyond reasonable doubt that covid-19 virus was from wild animals and not from the laboratory.

The World Health Organization seem to indicate the infected cases are slowing down in china, while in Italy, it is increasing exponentially. Perhaps Papa Pope Francis should heed the warnings and guidelines of scientists and medical experts. Imagine a saint with a PhD in Virology or a PhD in Engineering.

We'll see in the coming months........Stay healthy!

Peace and Blessings 🙏


To add on to Ruggersc and Frazil's lists:

1) Gun industry is going to see a boom in sales and ammo for an extended period.  Any politician spouting the "we'll take your guns away" line will be signing off on their own political suicide.  

2) For a while, people are going to take "prepping" seriously.  Be it medical supplies, TP, MRE's, etc., especially if shelter in place becomes more widespread.  I think more people are going to start gardening/canning who have the option.

3) The anti-vaxx movement is going to take a huge hit, and I can honestly see a violent response towards anti-vaxxers in lieu of the "you're loopy" responses and memes.  I wouldn't be surprised if vaccinations against infectious disease becomes a federal mandate, not just a "you can't attend school if you're not vaccinated" policy.

4) We will see a multinational pandemic response team to streamline research efforts and medical supply chains if/when the **** were to hit the fan again.

5) Local restaurants and businesses will see a temporary boom when we see new cases rapidly decline, as everyone who has gone stir crazy in isolation looks to get out and stretch.

Well, our governor just ORDERED everyone to stay locked in... except that it's not being enforced.  And this has lots of exceptions, too.  Ugh

I have to laugh at the Anchorage hunker down order that's now in effect until the end of the month. Marijuana and liquor stores are considered essential businesses and will remain open. 

Yeah but just think how many more patients would end up in the hospital if you took peoples booze and weed away! - aint no one got time for that.. :D

So apparently we can now get pitchers of margarits to go (like from your local Mexican place ) - going to have to give that a try today..

Also I didn't check my ammo stash close enough, I mistook 4 boxes of 357 for 9MM and so now I have all 9mm ammo and barely any 357 - currently tying to orchestrate a trade on nextdoor.

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Ohio has joined the states issuing shelter in place orders, well, starting tonight at midnight anyway.  It's basically the same as what we were already being told to do, i.e. maintain separation, only critical businesses stay open, only go out for necessities, etc., except that it is now an 'order' so it is enforceable.

In today's latest everybody is freaking out and being stupid moment, we just got an email that one of the two people in the Federal building who got tested came back negative.  In the meantime, GSA is going to scrub down the building.  Uhhh, we've been teleworking since last Monday.  Even if go by the more conservative estimates on how long the virus lives outside a host, why is there any reason to clean a building that has been sitting empty for a week now?

Interesting to me how WA has NOT declared a S-I-P order yet. Seems like with how hard this virus is hitting our state, it would have been the first to make it happen.

Inslee is noticeably irked by Seattlites enjoying the sunny weather this weekend...Having lived in Seattle, I sorta don't blame them for wanting to enjoy the few sunny days they have...but still am baffled by people's lack of care.

Like many, I wouldn't be surprised if the state issued the order sometime today.


The wife read this and said it made her feel a little better - sounds like policies emerging are having a good track record of healthcare workers not getting sick - 

Her gripe is like all jobs, no communication - last week there were told to use surgical masks except for around presumptive positive - but they didnt tell them the why - 

They seem to think once these testing kits are available the lock downs will lesson up, except for in the very high density areas (NY, LA, SF,etc)  

Those of us who must go out into the world and have contact with people don’t have to panic if we find out that someone with the coronavirus has been in the same room or stood closer than we wanted for a moment. Transmission seems to occur primarily through sustained exposure in the absence of basic protection or through the lack of hand hygiene after contact with secretions.

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Well, Indiana Governor just issued a stay at home order for residents.  But I'm an essential employee.  Got to print out my memos just in case I get stopped by the cops on Wednesday morning.

mr snick is essential too, live in a state with with stay at home order, work in state that does not.  He printed that essential letter out right quick.   

Well, our governor just ORDERED everyone to stay locked in... except that it's not being enforced.  And this has lots of exceptions, too.  Ugh
Same. Thou shalt not jog in parks. But sidewalks are okay. You are also allowed to go out for necessary health and safety reasons, e.g. to "take care of family members of pets" as the news source I was reading put it.  

Louisiana also issued a "stay at home" order, but it's really not super strict. It just says, don't go to work and don't hang out with other people. You can do basically anything else. Is this consistent with other places' orders?


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Louisiana also issued a "stay at home" order, but it's really not super strict. It just says, don't go to work and don't hang out with other people. You can do basically anything else. Is this consistent with other places' orders?

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Looks similar to what WA has right now. But that could change very quickly here; Inslee (our govn'r) is scheduled to address the public this evening. 
