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Vice City was it's predecessor and was the same. Those two are the ones that got me hooked on the series. Once you progress far enough in SA, you'll eventually unlock a small airfield to the west of Vegas where you can get an Apache helicopter and do the vigilante missions (same as if you're in a police car).  
Will that work in real Vegas too? I wonder if Uber will navigate to said small airfield. :dunno:

But ya, Vice City was awesome!!! Never played any of the other GTA's after that one though.

I basically don't play any games.
OMG, LOL - I was reading along, reading along, enjoying everyone's replies but then when I got to leggo's reply I basically laughed so hard internally that I made some sort of strange audible external exhale snort gasp sound.  It was weird.  Gosh I hope Launa or Isa didn't hear me from the other side of the partitions. 

OMG, LOL - I was reading along, reading along, enjoying everyone's replies but then when I got to leggo's reply I basically laughed so hard internally that I made some sort of strange audible external exhale snort gasp sound.  It was weird.  Gosh I hope Launa or Isa didn't hear me from the other side of the partitions. 

So how is RE7?  I'm cheap (you guys didn't know that, huh? ;) ) and it hasn't dropped in price yet enough for me so I am still waiting.  Did download/play the demo and it seemed pretty sweet.  Not so sure I love the first-person view but I guess I will get used to it (I enjoy the Call of Duty series (but otherwise don't play much 1st person)).  When it hits $20-$30, I'll grab it.  But, just curious, anyone play it and what do you think?  

On a separate but related note, I only found out a few months ago that RE4 and RE5 were reissued on PS4.  I bought those (but haven't replayed them yet).   

Defeated the story-line boss of Final Fantasy XV over the weekend. Now comes the fun task of trying to get through all the side quests to get 100% completion.

So how is RE7?  I'm cheap (you guys didn't know that, huh? ;) ) and it hasn't dropped in price yet enough for me so I am still waiting.  Did download/play the demo and it seemed pretty sweet.  Not so sure I love the first-person view but I guess I will get used to it (I enjoy the Call of Duty series (but otherwise don't play much 1st person)).  When it hits $20-$30, I'll grab it.  But, just curious, anyone play it and what do you think?  

On a separate but related note, I only found out a few months ago that RE4 and RE5 were reissued on PS4.  I bought those (but haven't replayed them yet).   
I feel like I would do so unbelievably bad at the new first person horror genre of games that I'd get pissed and throw my PS4 across the room after about 5 minutes of playing.

Everyone seems to love it, though.

COD:WWII will be out in about a week. Looks good. Think I'm just a sucker for FPS though....I blame Goldeneye

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Yes sir. I remember my sister brought home some friends from college and me and my brothers were playing. This one guy came in there and yells at his friend " Bro they're playing your game in here!" The bro then proceeds to tell us how he beats everyone in his dorm, has never been beat, and is basically the best ever. Me and my brother (11 and 13 at the time and did nothing but play for a whole summer) take turns whipping his ass until he gets so mad he just throws the controller down and leaves without a word. It was awesome lol.

AC Origins comes out tomorrow.  If I have one ounce of free time over the next three days, that's how I'll be spending it!

Will that work in real Vegas too? I wonder if Uber will navigate to said small airfield. :dunno:

But ya, Vice City was awesome!!! Never played any of the other GTA's after that one though.
I hadn't played any of the GTAs since Vice City because that was about the time I had my kids, and after that i couldn't play SA (although I owned it) because it was a step beyond Vice City in language, at least (F bombs all over the place). Finally my kids are now old enough (can't believe it's been that long) that I can play again, so I picked up GTA V this summer and have been playing it on the PS4.  Holy crap!  What a game!  I can play for hours, just screwing around in the world, messing with the AI bots, or play the story and still there is tons to do and see. I had to take some "use or lose" leave last month, and I spent several of those days playing it.  So worth it!  

My absolute favorite part of SA is the hitchhiker side missions.  Even better is the fact that you can deliver them to the cult at the top of the mountain in exchange for cash!
