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Kinda juggling a few games right now.  Uncharted 4 on PS4 and Grand Theft Auto V on PS3 (already bought it on PS3 a while ago, didn't feel like re-buying it for PS4, but maybe I should have).

The demo was only for a couple of days sadly. I don't know if they'll have it again before the game releases.

Oh okay. I had a buddy telling me to get on there and download something a week or two ago. That must have been it. Well guess I'll just keep playing Battlefield 1 til it comes out.

Not as impressed by Batman: Arkham Knight as I was the original game for PS4 :(

Waiting for the new Assassin's Creed to come out.  Hopefully better than the previous two, since this one has been in development for three years.

Kinda juggling a few games right now.  Uncharted 4 on PS4 and Grand Theft Auto V on PS3 (already bought it on PS3 a while ago, didn't feel like re-buying it for PS4, but maybe I should have).
Finish Uncharted 4, but don't waste your money on Lost Legacy.  It's like a crappier, few hours long version of the last Tomb Raider game.  First time anything with the Uncharted name on it left me really disappointed.  Very repetitive and poor attempt at them attempting to introduce an open world concept (all on one small map).

Finish Uncharted 4, but don't waste your money on Lost Legacy.  It's like a crappier, few hours long version of the last Tomb Raider game.  First time anything with the Uncharted name on it left me really disappointed.  Very repetitive and poor attempt at them attempting to introduce an open world concept (all on one small map).
Wow, I've heard the exact opposite and some people say it's the best in the series.

I've been making my way through Rise of the Tomb Raider, but it's not really clicking for me like the first one did. It could be that the PUBG crack keeps calling me back and I don't want to play anything else.
Wow, I've heard the exact opposite and some people say it's the best in the series.
I hear the same, but I don't understand it at all.  Yes, parts of the game are pretty, but the puzzles were mundane and I found the whole thing to be really, really disappointing.  Half the time is spent driving around a small map in a jeep like you do with Drake/Sully in the earlier game.  Drive to point X, winch open Y, fight bad guys (same configuration at each one), climb tower Z (there are four or five).  It was painfully boring after a while.

I also agree that Rise of the Tomb Raider fell way short of the previous.  I think a lot of it was the geography.  They didn't pick locations that made for great visuals like the last game.  

Those two games are basically the reason I hope AC is really good, because the last 5 or so games I've played have all fell short.  I think Uncharted 4 was the last one I played that I really enjoyed, and I played it when it just came out.  

Finish Uncharted 4, but don't waste your money on Lost Legacy.  It's like a crappier, few hours long version of the last Tomb Raider game.  First time anything with the Uncharted name on it left me really disappointed.  Very repetitive and poor attempt at them attempting to introduce an open world concept (all on one small map).
Thanks.  What is Lost Legacy?  I'm guessing from the context, it is DLC for Uncharted 4? 

I hear the same, but I don't understand it at all.  Yes, parts of the game are pretty, but the puzzles were mundane and I found the whole thing to be really, really disappointing.  Half the time is spent driving around a small map in a jeep like you do with Drake/Sully in the earlier game.  Drive to point X, winch open Y, fight bad guys (same configuration at each one), climb tower Z (there are four or five).  It was painfully boring after a while.

I also agree that Rise of the Tomb Raider fell way short of the previous.  I think a lot of it was the geography.  They didn't pick locations that made for great visuals like the last game.  

Those two games are basically the reason I hope AC is really good, because the last 5 or so games I've played have all fell short.  I think Uncharted 4 was the last one I played that I really enjoyed, and I played it when it just came out.  
I can see that.  I do hope to play 4 and Lost Legacy at some point, but it probably won't be for a while since I don't own a PS4 yet.  

I think the other thing with Tomb Raider is the story.  The first one had a pretty easy to follow story - Lara and crew get shipwrecked on an island and try to survive.  There is so much going on in this one for me to follow - her step-mother(?), searching for immortality, Trinity, etc.  

Thanks.  What is Lost Legacy?  I'm guessing from the context, it is DLC for Uncharted 4? 
It may be downloadable, but it is not UC4 DLC.  It is a shorter, stand-alone game that came out as a sequel starring two female characters.  Because its so short, its reflected in the pricing for the game (like, $39 instead of the usual $60-something).

Of course, reading all the reviews about how wonderful it was, I didn't realize this until I was at the checkout counter...

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It may be downloadable, but it is not UC4 DLC.  It is a shorter, stand-alone game that came out as a sequel starring two female characters.  Because its so short, its reflected in the pricing for the game (like, $39 instead of the usual $60-something).

Of course, reading all the reviews about how wonderful it was, I didn't realize this until I was at the checkout counter...
Ok, thanks.  I'll wait for it to be $20.  ;)  

So, I bought a used PS2 from craigslist for the sole purpose of hooking it to the downstairs TV to keep my 4yo and 7yo out of my home theater, right?  Well, it came bundled with a bunch of games.  I sampled them all, was for the most part unimpressed until - I plopped in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.  This game is pretty frickin rad!  Very impressive for PS2.  Until now, the oldest GTA I had played was GTA IV on PS3.  For some reason, I thought all older GTAs were just lame top-down views.  But GTA S.A. is 3D and very similar to GTA IV in gameplay (albeit with graphics and hardware limitations).  I may just have to play GTA S.A. all the way through.    :)  


Vice City was it's predecessor and was the same. Those two are the ones that got me hooked on the series. Once you progress far enough in SA, you'll eventually unlock a small airfield to the west of Vegas where you can get an Apache helicopter and do the vigilante missions (same as if you're in a police car).  

Only really playing 2 games right now. Still playing Marvel's Contest of Champions on my phone. Great way to kill several hours.

Also still playing Final Fantasy XV, although the more I play it, the less I like it. The game itself has great graphics and a good battle dynamic. The story itself is good. My only real issue is that the side quests are really dumb. The main character levels up by fishing. Another by photography and a third by cooking.

I am playing twodots on my phone. if you don't know it you haven't lived.
