Whatcha Playin?

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NES, SNES (w/ Super Scope), N64, Game Cube, Wii, Switch

Playstation, PS2, PS3 (used more as multi-media hub than for gaming)

Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32x (at one point all could be combined to play additional games with higher specification demands)


Hybrid NES/SNES console which allows play of all my old corresponding cartridge games

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I have a little void that has never been filled because my first NES did not include R.O.B. / Gyromite.  I think it was 1985ish.  My brother and I were 9/10, something like that.  We saved our pennies to get "the next best system".  So, we have mom take us to KB Toy Store in the mall to get our Atari 7800, right?  But, what is this?  A new system from some unknown video game company.  A Nintendo?  What's that?  While the clear glass display case showcasing the NES console, R.O.B., and other launch games and accessories was quite impressive, it was a no-brainer.  The Atari 7800 was made by the Gods themselves - Atari - and was backward compatible with all our 2600 games.  And, besides, I wanted a traditional joystick, not a lame flat control pad.  And certainly this "Nintendo" fad will fade away and Atari will reign forever.  Right?   

Well, let's just say, that wasn't the last time I would make a technology mistake (anyone want to buy a dusty 25 year old mini-disc player?).

So, by the time I finally got my NES, R.O.B. was not included.  :(   But, I do have the gray gun, not the lame orange gun so there is some solace there.  :)  


27 minutes ago, ptatohed said:
I have a little void that has never been filled because my first NES did not include R.O.B. / Gyromite.  I think it was 1985ish.  My brother and I were 9/10, something like that.  We saved our pennies to get "the next best system".  So, we have mom take us to KB Toy Store in the mall to get our Atari 7800, right?  But, what is this?  A new system from some unknown video game company.  A Nintendo?  What's that?  While the clear glass display case showcasing the NES console, R.O.B., and other launch games and accessories was quite impressive, it was a no-brainer.  The Atari 7800 was made by the Gods themselves - Atari - and was backward compatible with all our 2600 games.  And, besides, I wanted a traditional joystick, not a lame flat control pad.  And certainly this "Nintendo" fad will fade away and Atari will reign forever.  Right?   

Well, let's just say, that wasn't the last time I would make a technology mistake (anyone want to buy a dusty 25 year old mini-disc player?).

So, by the time I finally got my NES, R.O.B. was not included.  :(   But, I do have the gray gun, not the lame orange gun so there is some solace there.  :)  

I really liked my MD player.  It was like the evolution of a cassette, except much smaller.

Here's my list: Intellivision, NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gamecube, PS2, GBA SP, DS, Wii, PS3, 3DS, Switch.  At some point, I picked up a used N64 off of Craigslist with a bunch of games.  

I really liked my MD player.  It was like the evolution of a cassette, except much smaller.

Here's my list: Intellivision, NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gamecube, PS2, GBA SP, DS, Wii, PS3, 3DS, Switch.  At some point, I picked up a used N64 off of Craigslist with a bunch of games.  
MF, no love for Sega?  I still have my 8-bit Master System, my Genesis (With Sega CD and 32X as knightfox mentioned), Saturn (with Netlink!), and Dreamcast - all hooked up and running. 

LOL, I remember that NES ROB.

Never got that gyro to spin right with that Gyromite game, so it basically became a 2 player game. I controlled the Doctor and had my buddy just push the red & blue buttons for me.


MF, no love for Sega?  I still have my 8-bit Master System, my Genesis (With Sega CD and 32X as knightfox mentioned), Saturn (with Netlink!), and Dreamcast - all hooked up and running. 
I really only had two chances to pick a Sega system, when I got the NES and then SNES.  I took a hiatus from buying consoles until the Gamecube.  And I guess Sega's blast processing was too fast for me  :D

The problem with playing these retro systems today is, when you blow them up on a 100" screen, the pixels are the size of large ice cubes.  I was showing my sons Mario Kart 64 the other day and, as much as I love that game, it was a bit painful.   

Anyone else playing Battlegrounds?  My two BIL's have been playing it so I figured I'd join them.  It reminds me a lot of SOCOM but with less action.

I replayed The Last of Us about two weeks ago from start to finish.  I've done that for probably less than half a dozen games in my entire life.  Goes to show how good a game it is!  Sequel looks like it ought to be pretty awesome.

Just counting down the days until Battlefront 2 comes out. Still playing Battlefield 1 every now and then.

I was anxiously awaiting the new Red Dead Redemption. I pre-ordered it (first time I've done that), and shortly thereafter its release was delayed until sometime in mid-2018.

I replayed The Last of Us about two weeks ago from start to finish.  I've done that for probably less than half a dozen games in my entire life.  Goes to show how good a game it is!  Sequel looks like it ought to be pretty awesome.
Nice.  Yes, great game.  I don't think I have ever replayed a game.  Wait, I take that back, I think Mario 64.  When I met my wife, I was playing Mario Sunshine.  My wife got hooked and loved to watch.  We then went on to play Galaxy 1 and 2.  Then I thought, you know, I need to show her the first Mario 3D game that started it all.  :) So I played M64 a second time to show her.    

I did recently buy RE4 and RE5 on PS4 (why didn't some one tell me sooner that they were reissued on PS4??).  So, if replaying those counts as replaying, then that will be 2 more. 

I bought Last of Us in a flash sale on PS4 a few months ago. It seemed a little slow at first. Maybe I should give it another try.

It picks up and the story line is killer.  There are going to be very few "guns blazing" type moments in the game, though.  The mini game that opens on completion of the main story is pretty good, also.  Goes into the back story of one of the main characters.

Yeah I'm going to give it another go. Everyone I've talked to has liked it. It probably didn't help that I was in the middle of studying for the PE when I bought it lol. 

I have never purchased DLC for any game (I'm cheap) but...... The Last of Us was so good, I had to buy Left Behind.  Which was also very good and worth parting with my shillings. 

I got it free somehow.  Think it came with one of those passcodes or I pre-ordered and got it that way, can't remember!
