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I am very excited that they are releasing a remastered version of Grim Fandango tomorrow. This was my favorite adventure game of all time, back when LucasArts was in its prime. Graphics have been redone, and the soundtrack has been redone (and the original score for that game was phenomenal in my opinion.) Just disappointed that I won't have any time to play it...

I'm at about 55% on The Last of Us (PS3) and almost done with World 7 of Mario 3D (WiiU). Also, finally started the second Grand Theft Auto IV episde (The Ballad of Gay Tony) (PS3). I have GTA V new in the wrapper so I want to finish this last GTA IV episode so I can start that. :)

I started playing Heavy Rain the other day. It's not too bad, but the walking controls are pretty terrible. It reminds me of playing the first Resident Evil on the PS1.

Was thinking about picking up Dying Light. But will probably wait until after this grad school course is finished.

I started playing Heavy Rain the other day. It's not too bad, but the walking controls are pretty terrible. It reminds me of playing the first Resident Evil on the PS1.

I liked Heavy Rain, just not enough to bother replaying it to see what any of the different outcomes may have been. Fairly certain you can sacrifice characters in certain scenes. I will say though, the female lead in that is super hot for a video game character.

I started playing Heavy Rain the other day. It's not too bad, but the walking controls are pretty terrible. It reminds me of playing the first Resident Evil on the PS1.

I liked Heavy Rain, just not enough to bother replaying it to see what any of the different outcomes may have been. Fairly certain you can sacrifice characters in certain scenes. I will say though, the female lead in that is super hot for a video game character.

Yeah, I probably won't replay it either. I have too many games to be playing the same game twice, haha.


^^^ I'll have a week in July by myself and am looking for ways to kill the time. That seems like a legit option.
