~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I said to my husband today... if it's this cold and wet out, it should at least be pretty, I wish we had gotten snow... or enough sleet/ice to cancel schools tomorrow so I could stay home
we didn't even get the snow. just ice. bleh...

first snowfall of the year overnight. Only about an inch or so. Turning to sleet then rain for the rest of the day. I guess winter had to come at some point.

Saturday around 11:30 am, I walked into the CVS. It was 68 degrees, according to the thermometer in the car.

Three minutes later, I walked out and it was 59.

nice layer of mist that froze on the way down came down yesterday evening making the drive home literally down the street (.5 mile or so) a living crazy, but it was fine this morning. They canceled schools though...lovely phone call around 10:15 PM saying they were having a snow day today

Got about 6" of snow over night and the temp is right around 10 deg. above 0. First run of the snow blower this year.

Tires of the car were frozen to the garage floor this morning. Negative 6* when I left the house. I hate the cold.

its weird to say but I am looking forward to it getting back into the low 30's on wednesday..

I believe one has nothing to do with the other. I dislike the snow because I have to shovel it. It won't change my day or anything like that.

-4 deg. on the thermometer this morning. Time to officially put the short sleeve shirts away I guess. :(
