~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Saw snow during my visit to MI last weekend. I did not miss it and was happy to come back to the warmth and humidity. I wasn't prepared for how dry it was. Dry skin and bloody boogers.

we had 2.5 hrs of 35 mph driving on wednesday on our way to Chicago area for thanksgiving thanks to snow. It disappeared about half way there and it was clear sailing after that.

I have less and less patience for traveling at slow speeds when you're on a highway where you should be moving at 70+. doesn't matter the reason weather/traffic/accident/etc. It annoys the living crap out of me.

we had 2.5 hrs of 35 mph driving on wednesday on our way to Chicago area for thanksgiving thanks to snow. It disappeared about half way there and it was clear sailing after that.

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I tend to be annoyed by the opposite. Like last winter when semis were driving by me at 55+ mph until they saw another semi jack knifed and finally realized that icy roads are slippery.

oh I don't mean I drive fast when it's not safe, I just get annoyed when a trip should take an hour and it get doubled or tripled due to circumstances beyond my control.

^I don't blame you there. I would go postal if I had to put up with city traffic every day.

Welcome to #hellastorm. Just a little bit of water and everyone freaked out. Three cars were trapped here, sucks for them!


I thought CA needed rain? maybe a little further south I guess?

We do need the rain, but you would think the world was coming to an end with the media circus around the recent storm. California still remains in exceptional drought in almost 80% of the state. Fortunately the storm moved from my northern California area into Socal :popcorn:

We had some nice snow storms these last few weeks..maybe they are heading your way...

Was 5 this morning... It's 55 now and feels most excellent!

Gonna be -2 deg F Wednesday night. That's baby makin' weather.
