~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I was about to reply when I saw RG beat me to it, even the buttercup part. Teens feel downright warm after zero. I was hot this morning on the ride in because it was 33 degrees.
We're getting below 30 and trending toward the 20's and it feels cold. I was thinking about you riding to work and you've got my utmost respect for plugging through on your bike in those temperatures. very impressive. How far do you have to ride?

Not very far at all. It's 1.3 miles to work. The hill in the middle is a bridge over the interstate and then I go by a lake on the golf course. It's cold, but scenic.

If you think you have it bad:


Depends on what you like to listen to and if the mountains are blocking the stations. I normally get a maximum of 3.

Took just shy of 2.5 hours. Not as bad as I thought. Time to go put on the studs.

Notably warmer in NC today. No frost on the truck this morning, and I could still feel my ass after walking across the street for coffee.

hope the extended forecast for Thanksgiving weekend changes or else it is going to be a short trip up ti visit family.

Currently 37* with 30mph winds, roads slick this mornin. Glad I swapped out the tires. Gonna have rain in the forecast for the next week. Need snow though.
