~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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We have parents that freak out that there's still school on (OH! It's SO DANGEROUS TO BE OUT) and then, when they finally close school, are the same people out driving their kids around to Wal-Mart.

^ about the same conditions here as well. Find me a good emoticon and it might get added. :thumbs:


so you robo at 3 pm saying a 2 hr delay for today, then you wait until after 9:30 PM to say yeah we are switching to no school instead of just a 2 hr delay.

They didn't even do a 2 hour delay here, even though every other county did.

So let me get this straight - it was in the mid 20's last year, and you did SEVERAL consecutive 2 hour delays, but now we're at 12°F with wind chills below 0, and you don't bother?

Nuclear workers will understand this: The combination of cold dry air and any polyester content in your jacket makes for a cold walk back to your desk after the rad techs take you jacket away to let it decay off on the other side of the radiation monitor.

The good news is that it looks like I won't be crossing to that side of the plant today.

wow, in the single digits and low teens today, but by saturday almost 50 degrees. I am so going to have a raging sinus headache by this weekend. Pick a temp and stay there mother nature.
