Good thing I'm sleeping on the couch.Gonna be -2 deg F Wednesday night. That's baby makin' weather.
Good thing I'm sleeping on the couch.Gonna be -2 deg F Wednesday night. That's baby makin' weather.
Have you tried a blow torch?This cold is pissing me off. It's not letting my fiberglass resin cure
Have you tried a blow torch?This cold is pissing me off. It's not letting my fiberglass resin cure
fixtHave you triedThis cold is pissing me off. It's not letting my fiberglass resin cureablowtorch?
I'll bet they have these cheap at the nearest Lowes/HD. throw a heat flood light bulb in it and you're ready to go.If only I had either one of those
sucks to be you!!!10 degrees today, and I drew the short straw for a field inspection.
and it will suck even harder on Friday when the temps are similar and I will have a field perc test to to be you!!!10 degrees today, and I drew the short straw for a field inspection.
that's how it was when i was a kid, but now they don't want kids standing outside at bus stops because the parents haven't clothed them properly. its like they are afraid the parents will sue if the kids get frostbit because they went out without gloves.THE CLOSED SCHOOL BECAUSE IT WAS BELOW ZERO?!
Sorry...we don't seem to close for anything less than five feet of snow.